sobota, 31. januar 2015

Tresočka / Shaker card

Že lep čas se nisem lotila tresoče voščilnice in prišel je pravi čas, da sem se je spet lotila. Bratrančeva hčerka praznuje svoj drugi rojstni dan in zdelo se mi je, da je takšna voščilnica ravno pravšnja zanjo, saj se bo z njo lahko malce tudi poigrala. Seveda mora biti v roza odtenkih in za motiv sem uporabila zibajočega konjička od Bogaboo. Če se še niste nikoli lotili take vrste voščilnice je TUKAJ link do mojega tutoriala.

I haven't done a shaker card for a while so it was the right time to do it now. My cousins daughter is having a birthday soon and it seemed a good idea to give her a card that she could play with a little since she's only 2 years old. Of course it has to be in pink colours and I used a cute rocking horse image from Bugaboo. If you hadn't try this kind of card before HERE is the link to my tutorial.

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I'm entering it to following challenges:
 CRAFT-alnica - shaker card
7 kids challenge fond - anything goes

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala, da ste se ustavile na mojem blogu danes.

I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by. 


četrtek, 29. januar 2015

As You Like It Challenge Favourite Matt or Shiny

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It Challenge in glasi se "najljubše: matt ali svetlikajoče" in ZAKAJ? Težka odločitev, sicer res največ uporabljam mat, ampak vedno voščilnicam in vsem izdelkom dodajam tudi svetlikajoče dodatke. Hm, ampak v večini pri meni še vedno prevladuje mat. Pa še lažje se ga fotografira ;)
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Favourite Matt or Shiny and WHY? I like matt papers, you can't go wrong with them and I always add some shiny embellishments to make the card more interesting. So I really can't decide, but I think the dominant is definitely matt, aslo because it is so easy to take picture!

Sponsor: Stamp & Create 

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

sobota, 24. januar 2015

Kuvertice in nagradna igra

Takole pa se zahvali vsem, ki ti podarijo kaj ob rojstvu novorojenčka. Kar 20 jih je nastalo!

Odločila sem se, da nekomu izmed vas, ki boste delili sliko in to zapisali v komentar na moji face book strani: SOUL SANCTARY CARDS, podarim 3 takšnele kuvertice (sami lahko izberete barvo in napis). Čas imate do 25.1. do polnoči, nagrajenec bo objavljen naslednji dan tekom dneva.


torek, 20. januar 2015

Tilda in zmajček

Ponovno sem se lotila tele ljuble voščilnice v obliki tortice. Kaj je lepšega na njej, kot Tilda s prikupnim zmajčkom, kajne? Obdala sem ju še s kupom rožic in pa seveda veliko bleščic in nastalo je tole...

I just realised that I haven't don this cute cake card for a long time. I used a cute Tilda with a dragon by her side, added a lot of flowers and glitter and here it is...

Prijavljam jo na naslednje izzive / I'm entering it in to following challenges:
Card Mania - Let it sparkle
Inky Chicks - Anything goes
Totally Tilda Challenge - Easel, stepper or joy fold card (mine is a easel)
Simply Magnolia - Shabby or Vintage (mine is shabby)
Dream Velly Challenge - Anything goes

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk!

Hope you like it and thank you for stopping by!


četrtek, 15. januar 2015

As You Like It Challenge Favourite Embossing Folder (& tell us WHY)

Za ABC Challenge objavo kliknite TUKAJ / for my ABC Challenge post click HERE!

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It Challenge in glasi se "najljubša embosing srajčka" in ZAKAJ? Moja je vsekakor tale s pikicami, ker jih enostavno obožujem in pašejo prav povsod, se vam ne zdi? Izdelala sem škatlico za muffine, ki jih bom podarila kot zahvalo sodelovkam, ki so mi omogčile službo ... ki se na žalost zaključuje. Bilo je lepo in hvala!

And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Favourite Embossing Folder and WHY? Mine is definitely the dotty one because dots are so lovely and look good on everything, don't you think? I made a box of muffins, which I'll give to some work colleagues as thank you for giving me a chance to work at such great place for a year ... unfortunately it's coming to an end. It was nice and thank you!

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

ABC Challenge B is for Buttons & Bows

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi B is for Buttons & Bows (na svojem izdelku morate uporabiti oboje!).  Izbrala sem simpatičnega medvedka in mu dodala veliko pentljo z gumbom. Upam, da vam je všeč.
It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called B is for Buttons & Bows (must use both on your creation). I chose a cute little football bear and added a gorgeous big bow and a button. Hope you like it.

Sponsor: Pink Gem Designs

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.


torek, 13. januar 2015

Dobrodošel LEV

Takole pa smo na svet pospremili malega Leva, novega družinskega člana šefinje. Takole malce simbolično sem v notranjost, kjer smo se podpisali, dodala še majhnega levčla :)

This envelope was made for a boy named Lev (lion) and it it's a newborn from my boss. I thought it would be cute to put a lion as a symbol :)

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I'm entering it in to following challenges:
CRAFT-alnica - nov začetek
Crafty calendar challenge - what's new (baby)
Creatalicious Challenges - new beginnings (baby)

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk!

I hope you like it and thank you for the visit!


četrtek, 1. januar 2015

As You Like It Challenge Favourite Card Shape or Fold

Dobrodošle tudi na prvem izzivu v novem letu na As You Like It Challenge in glasi se najljubša oblika/pregib in zakaj. Jaz obožujem easel voščilnice, sploh takšne s trikotnim pregibom, zdijo se mi tako zelo posebne in enkratne.

And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Favourite Card Shape or Fold and why. I just love easel cards especially this kind of folded one. They are so unique and special.

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

ABC Challenge A is for Anything Goes

Leto je naokoli in že je čas za  nov izzi ABC. Tema se glasi A is for Anything Goes (karkoli). Ne bo pretežko za začetek, kajne? Uporabila sem prikupno deklico I Love My Puppy in jo odela v vijola barve.
So it's New Year and a new challenge at  ABC Challenge. And our theme is called A is for Anything Goes. It won't be to difficult, won't it? I chose a cute little girl called I Love My Puppy isn't she cute? 
I thought that violet it's the right colour for her. 

Sponsor: All Dressed Up 

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.