Že lep čas se nisem lotila tresoče voščilnice in prišel je pravi čas, da sem se je spet lotila. Bratrančeva hčerka praznuje svoj drugi rojstni dan in zdelo se mi je, da je takšna voščilnica ravno pravšnja zanjo, saj se bo z njo lahko malce tudi poigrala. Seveda mora biti v roza odtenkih in za motiv sem uporabila zibajočega konjička od Bogaboo. Če se še niste nikoli lotili take vrste voščilnice je TUKAJ link do mojega tutoriala.
I haven't done a shaker card for a while so it was the right time to do it now. My cousins daughter is having a birthday soon and it seemed a good idea to give her a card that she could play with a little since she's only 2 years old. Of course it has to be in pink colours and I used a cute rocking horse image from Bugaboo. If you hadn't try this kind of card before HERE is the link to my tutorial.
Prijavljam jo na izzive / I'm entering it to following challenges:
CRAFT-alnica - shaker card
7 kids challenge fond - anything goes
Creative fingers Challenge - anything goes
Simon Says Wdnesday Challenge - anything goes
Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala, da ste se ustavile na mojem blogu danes.
I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by.