sreda, 27. maj 2015

Poročna torta / Wedding cake

Ena poročna tortica, sicer je papirnata, ampak še vedno zeloooo sladka navznoter ;)

I made a paper wedding cake and although it's made out of paper it's still very sweet form the inside ;)

Hvala za obisk in lepe komentarje!

Thank you for stopping by and for all the lovely comments. 


petek, 22. maj 2015

Škatlica z uhani veternicami / Box with pinwheel earrings

Škatlica v škatlici in v škatlici unikatni uhančki veternice ;) Pozornost se vedno skriva v majhnih stvareh, kajn?

Box in a box and in the box you can find cute little pinwheel earrings ;)  Attention is always hidden in small things, right?

Hvala za obsik in želim vam lep vikend!

Thank you for looking and wishing you a great weekend!


četrtek, 21. maj 2015

As You Like It Challenge Favourite decade / period in your life (& why)

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It Challenge in glasi "najljubše obdobje". To lahko pomeni poseben dan/datum/obdobje (obletnica / družinsko praznovanje božiča) ali obdobje v življenju (npr vaše otroštvo) in seveda nam morate pojasniti ZAKAJ? Jaz sem izbrala obdobje diplome ... zakaj? ... ker sem tako srečna, da je zamano :P Sicer pa za takšno priložnost zelo rada naredim kakšno voščilnico in tale sovica je za to res perfektna.
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called "Favourite decade / period in your life (& why)". This could be a special date (Anniversary / Family Xmas)  or a period of your life (eg your childhood). You MUST explain WHY it is your favourite. And I chose Graduation period ... Why? Well just because I am so glad it's over :P I love doing cards for the occasion though :) This cute little owl totally seduced me, so I'm using it on everything :P

Sponsor:  My Mum's Craft Shop

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

ponedeljek, 18. maj 2015

Voščilnica ob rojstvu / Baby card

V izdelavi je bila voščilnica za rojstvo ... dobrodošla mala Brina ;)

I made a baby card for little Brina ;)

Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - inspiration colour swatch (pink) (till 20.5.)
Glitter and Sparkle Challenge - use some ribbon (till 23.5.)
Tilda's Town - happy everything (till 22.5.)
Creatalicious challenge - butterflies (till 14.6.)
Creative fingers Challenge - anything goes (till 22.5.)
Stamp and create - May flowers (till 31.5.)
The cutie Pie Challenge - layer it up ( till 31.5.)

Thank you for stopping by!


petek, 15. maj 2015

ABC Challenge J is for Jewels

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi "J is for Jewels" (uporabite perlice, kamenčke). Nič lažjega kot to, saj obožujem perlice in takole sem jih posula po novonastalem notesniku z ljubko deklico.
It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called "J is for Jewels" (Use Pearls and/or Rhinestones in your creations). Well what can be easier than that, right.? I love pearls so I used them quite generously on my notepad project with this cute girl in the centre.


Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.


sreda, 13. maj 2015

Sejem ustvarjalni svet

Juti lepo vabljene na sejem Ustvarjalni svet, ki se bo odvijal na Bregu ob Ljubljanici od 10h-19h. Tudi jaz bom tam, tako da pridite kaj na obisk, klepet, kavico ;)

p.s. sorry international girls, I would love to invite you to this craft fair I'm taking part of tomorrow, but I guess it's just a little to far for some of you ;) (the pictures you see on the banner and the banner itself is all my work though, I have to brag a little :P)

ponedeljek, 11. maj 2015

Otroški bodiji s štimfki v roza barvi / Baby bodys with socks in pink

Nisem se mogla upreti, morala sem jih narediti še v roza barvi ;) poleg tega pa so me opozorili, da so prejšnji bolj za fantke in da si punčke tudi zaslužijo svoje, seveda v roza barvi ;)

Well I just had to do them in pink as well, they are so fun to make ;) And some say that previous ones are for boys and that little girls deserve them as well, of course in pink ;)

Hvala za obsik in lepe komentarje, vedno sem jih zelo vesela.

Thank you for stopping by and for all the lovely comment that always make my day.


sobota, 9. maj 2015

Pingvina / Penguins

Pingvini ...v roza barvi .. in "čim bolj kju":) se je glasilo naročilo... in to maja... zakaj pa ne! Tale sopara je danes res ubijajoča, zato vas bom malce ohladila z roza kjut pingvini za deklico, ki jih obožuje in bo kmalu praznovala svoj rojstni dan.

Penguins in May you are wondering :) ... pink?!?!?! .. Yes! That was the order of my customer and he saied "make them as sweet as possible". Well why not, right :) The card is for a girl who really loves penguins and will soon celebrate her birthday. Sure hope she'll like it ;) 

Papertake weekly - anything goes (till 12.5.)
Polkadoodle Challenge - things with wings (till 22.5.)
Creative fingers challenge -  anything goes (till 14.5.)
Copic marker Europe Challenge - feathers or fure (till 26.5.)
Live and love crafts Challenge - ice cream (till 1.6.)

Hvala za obsik in želim vam čudovit dan!

Thank you for stopping by and wishing you a lovely day! 


četrtek, 7. maj 2015

As You Like It Challenge Favourite Land or Sea

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It Challenge in glasi "njljubše kopno ali morje" in ne pozabite nam povedati ZAKAJ? Jaz sem se odločila za morje. Svež zrak, poležavanje in seveda kopanje v morju je nekaj kar obožujem in upam, da se mi bo letos po dolgem času spet uspelo prebiti do obale in si privoščiti malce poletnega užitka.
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called "Favourite Land or Sea" and don't forget to tell us WHY? I just have to pick the sea. Fresh air, relaxing and of course swimming in the sea is something I love and I hope I'll be lucky enough this year (after a long time) to managed to get to shore and afford a little bit of summer pleasure.

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

torek, 5. maj 2015

Otroški papirnati bodiji z nogavičkami / Baby body with little socks

Tele voščilnice v obliki bodijev z otroškimi nogavičkami so vsekakor posebno darilo ob rojstvu. Bodi se na spodnji strani odpre z ježkom in vanj lahko zapišete voščilo, malčka pa že na začetku opremite s pisanimi nogavičkami, ki ustrezajo starosti od 1-4 mesece. Telegram se ob tako prikupnem darilu skrije, se strinjate? 
I made this cute little baby bodys with little socks for 1-4 months old children and they are a perfect gift  for a newborn. They open on the bottom and you can write a greeting inside, and there are two little socks on each side. Ordinary telegram just doesn't seem interesting once you see this cute little things, doesn't it?

Hvala za vaš obisk in želim vam lep že prav poleten večer!

Thank you for looking and I wish you a nice evening!


petek, 1. maj 2015

ABC Challenge I is for Inspire Us

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi " I is for Inspire Us (pokažite nam vaš stil)". Sama moram priznati, da se zadnje čase navdušujem nad t.i. clean and simple style čestitkami... sploh tale moja pogruntavščina z okvirjem mi je strašno všeč, ker prideta tako odtis kot voščilo perfektno do izraza.
It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called "I is for Inspire Us (Show us your style)". I must confess that lately I have my eye on CAS style cards, especially this my new invention with some kind of framework that enhances the image and also the sentiment.  Don't they stand out nicely?


Sponsor: The Paper Shelter 

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.
