Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC .
In tema
tokratnega izziva se glasi F is for Festive (velika noč/božič/rojstni dan). Sama sem se odločila, da končno probam izdelati dvojno zavito easel voščilnico. Res je zabavno probavati nove oblike voščilnice in tale je res nekaj posebnega, saj ima veliko prostora za dekoracijo.
It's time for
another ABC
Challenge. And our theme is called F is for Festive (Easter/Christmas/Birthday). I did a double twist easel card in Easter motive. It's such fun doing new kind of cards and this one is really special. It has such a lot of space to decorate.
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda
oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.
I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.
I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.
18 komentarjev:
Oh wow, Mojca, this easel card is super!
Great image and beautifylly coloured! Pretty colours and details too. Luv, Wilma
This is fab Mojca!! Great style of card, the flowers are gorgeous and that is one cute stamp!! xx
Good morning sweetie, a stunning creation today, hugs Pops x x x
Hi Mojca, wow what a stunning card love the design of it, and the colour choice its fabulous. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
Res zanimiva oblika voščilnice. Tvoje okraševanje je čudovito. Zelo mi je všeč :-)
Zelo lepa.
Krasna voščilnica!
This is gorgeous Mojca, such a sweet image and wonderful design. I love the colours and beautiful flowers too.
hugs Sue xx
Čudovita je. Me pa zanima, če se te easel voščilnice lepo zaprejo ali ostanejo v tej poziciji. Saj vem, da je neumno vprašanje ampak jih še nisem nikoli delala in zato ne vem. Tudi na netu sem metala oči, vendar so povsod samo navodila za izdelavo. Hvala. čao
Prvič slišim za dvojno easel voščilnico in tvoja je fantastična.
Super lepa je...prečudovite pomladanske barve
Uauu kakšne barve, prava paša za oči!
Čudovito ti je uspela :). Saam se dvojne še nisem lotila, ma se pa "spogledujem2 z njo ;).
Krasna je. Lp
Čudovita je! Tudi sama sem to obliko že nekaj časa pogledovala, ampak sem na koncu ugotovila, da je to čisto preveč enega dela in natančnosti, vsaj zaenkrat :)
Wow, it's fabulous. Love that fold.
Gorgeous card Mojca, very clever design and love your sparkly egg :)
Andrea x
Another cute card LOVE the colours too! xx
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