sreda, 31. december 2014

Vsem vam želim srečno, zravo in keativnosti polno leto 2015! Hvala za vse prelepe komentarje in se že veselim novih v letu, ki prihaja!

I all of you a happy, healthy and creative year 2015! Thank you for all the lovely comments that you leave on my blog and I am really looking forward of new ones is 2015!

nedelja, 21. december 2014

Tukaj spi Lovro

Nastala je še ena izmed ploščic za novorojenčke - tukaj spi Lovro :)

I made  another baby hanger - here sleeps Lovro :)

Hvala za obisk in lepe komentarje!

Thank you for your visit and lovely comments!



četrtek, 18. december 2014

As You Like It Challenge Fave Xmas Image (& why)

Že je čas za novi izziv As You Like It Challenge in glasi se Najljubši božično-novoletni odtis in zakaj. Verjetno vam je že jasno, da je to vsekakor sova in tale je moja najljubša :) S tole sovico vsako leto izdelam kar nekaj novoletnih voščilnic, sploh zato, ker tako dobro zgleda na CAS voščilnicah.
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called  Fave Xmas Image (& why).
My most favourite Christmas stamps are owls and this one is really one of the best ones. I make this kind of cars every year, so quick to colour and what a great effect on CAS cards!
Our sponsor is:
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

ponedeljek, 15. december 2014

ABC Challange Z is for Zany

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi Z is for Zany (od vas želimo, da uporabite ter izdelate zabavne odtise in izdelke). Meni se zadnje čase zelo dopadejo tele perlice in sem z njimi okrasila tole mično gospodično :)
It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called Z is for Zany (we want to see lots of fun images & creations). I really love pearls so I decided to decorate a whole frame with them :) Added some flowers and traditional Christmas colours.

Sponsor: Sherri Baldy

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.


četrtek, 4. december 2014

As You Like It Challenge Fave Song or Film (& why)

Že je čas za novi izziv As You Like It Challenge in glasi se Najljubša pesem ali film in zakaj. Seveda sem sama izbrala skupino The Cult in njihovo pesem Wild Flower. Je definitivno ena izmed mojih najljubših skupin in zato je bila zadeva neizogibna :P Za rožice sem uporabila paus papir, ki se mi zdi, da da voščilnici poseben učinek.

And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Fave Song or Film (& why). I chose The Cult's cong Wild Flower. I just love this group so much, it was unavoidable :P I used vellum paper for flowers and it really gives the card a special touch.

The sponsor of this challenge is
My Mum's Craft Shop
who are offering a £10 prize to our winner.

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects.

ponedeljek, 1. december 2014

ABC Y is for Yuletide

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi  Y is for Yuletide (ustvarite izdelek za božične praznike). Sem razmišljala, kaj posebnega bi tokrat pripravila kot darilo za božične praznike in tokrat sem se prvič lotila t.i. Christmas crackerja - napolnjen je z bomobnčki in čokoladami ter otroci so sigurno veseli, ko ga dobijo v roke ;P

It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called Y is for Yuletide (create something Festive for Christmas). I was wondering what to do for this challenge and decided to do a Christmas cracker for the first time form scratch. It's filled with goodies - chocolates and candy, and I bet every kid would be happy to get his hands on it ;P

Sponsor: The Paper Shelter 
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.
