Že je čas za novi izziv As You Like It Challenge
in glasi si " Najljubša embosing tehnika"
in seveda nam morate razložiti ZAKAJ. Jaz imam od vsega najraje embosing mapice, saj teksture narejene z njimi dajo voščilnici prav poseben effekt.
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Favourite Embossing Technique and don't forget to tell us WHY. I love my embossing folders, the texture gives the card such powerful effect.
in seveda nam morate razložiti ZAKAJ. Jaz imam od vsega najraje embosing mapice, saj teksture narejene z njimi dajo voščilnici prav poseben effekt.
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Favourite Embossing Technique and don't forget to tell us WHY. I love my embossing folders, the texture gives the card such powerful effect.
The sponsor of this challenge is Lee Holland Illustrations.
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like IT Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.
I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects.
21 komentarjev:
This is wonderful Mojca. It's so simple but brilliant!! xx
Zelo preprosta, ampak zelo, zelo lepa. Sama imam raje toplo embosiranje.
Luštna voščilnica, Mojca. Meni je suho embosiranje zelo všeč in zopet sem našla navdih na tvojem blogu... :). Lep dan...
Kako super si jih zlozila skupaj. Meni pa te mapice ne lezijo prevec. Le redko uporabim tako embosiran papir. Ampak pri drugih mi je pa vedno vsec.
wonderful design love the embossing Ginny x
This is gorgeous Mojca, such an elegant and effective use of embossing.
hugs Sue xx
Čisto preprosto, a prav efektivno. Super.
Lepo si skombinirala različne embosing mapice in čipko!
Devet delčkov te voščilnice govori o tem, katera je tvoja najljubša embosing tehnika. Prav je, da na njo nisi dala nič drugega, razen trakca. Tako pride bolj do izraza.
Čudovita je Mojca,
krasen embossing
pozdravček Tamara
Super enostavna a hkrati elegantna voščilnica.
LP Vilinke
Kako lepo skombinirano!
It gorgeous Mojca, I love those squares, they're so perfectly cut and laid out too.
Love it.
What a beautiful and elegant creation. Love the different embossed rectangles and gorgeous color scheme!
Kako lepo si sestavila embosirane delčke! Krasna voščilnica. Tale gre na mojo "to do" listo :-)
Vrlo lijepa i elegantna čestitka.
LP, Martina
Kako lahko ena malenkost naredi tak WAW efekt na voščilnici - super kombinacija različnega motiva je dala eleganco voščilnici :)
Love your design Mojca , thanks for the inspiration, would never of thought to do wee squares. Very effective. Lovely card. Carolxx
Gorgeous card, Mojca. I love the lay out with all the different embossed squares. Luv, Wilma
Totally LOVE this so pretty! thanks for your comments as always hugs me x
Stunning creation sweetie hugs Pops x
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