Čas je za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It. In naša tema se glasi pokažite nam svoj slog (in povejte ZAKAJ je to vaš stil) npr. preprost, natrpan z rožami itd. Sama obožujem 3D izdelke in tale koledarček je res čisto moj stil. Rada imam bolj preprost slog, ki je hkrati tudi zelo učinkovit. Tule je link do tutoriala, kako izdelati takle koledarček.
It's time for another As You Like It Challenge. And our theme for the fortnight is Show us your own stile (and tell us what makes it your style) eg C&S, fussy, etc. I love 3D projects and this cute calendar is totally my stile! I love the simple look but effective :) Here is the link to how to do your calendar.
Naš sponzor je Shape EZ Templates.
Our sponsor is Shape EZ Templates.
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu As You Like It in ne pozabite pokukati na blog in si ogledati tudi ostale izdelke, ki so jih za vas pripravile punce napega designer tima.
Hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and don't forget to look at all the lovely inspiration our DT has prepared for you.