Saturated Canary blog ima nov izziv in sicer "Najljubši Film". Kot sem že enkrat omenila je eden izmed mojih ljubših filmov Labirint. Zgodba je pravljične narave in polna škratov in mističnih podob, glavna igralka Sarah (Jannifer Connelly) pa je v enem delu oblečena v prelepo obleko v kateri izgleda kot princeska, zato me spominja na odtis Saturated Canary - Butterfly Princess. Seveda pa sem izbrala ta film tudi, ker sem velika oboževalka Davida Bowieja, ki je sicer bolj slab igralec, a toliko boljši glasbenik. In takole izgleda moja voščilnica. Dodala sem ji še Vladkin napis.
Saturated Canary has another great challenge and it's called "Favourite Film".I chose "Labyrinth" which was my old time favourite film and it's full of goblins and mystical creatures and at one point Sahra (Jannifer Connelly) is dressed in this beautiful princess-like dress and it really reminded me of Butterfly Princess image from Saturated Canary. Well I chose the film also because I am a great fan of David Bowie which is to be frank an awful actor, but an amazing singer ... and here is how the card turned out ... I also added a cute sentiment form Vladka (it says: Dare to live your dream.).
Upam, da se imate vredu in hvala za obisk.
Well I hope you are fine and thank you for visiting my blog today.
p.s Natali hvala za opombo glede napisa
p.s1 Se opravičujem za slabše slike, ampak sem brez računalnika in photoshopa.
p.s. Natali thank you for note about my watrmark.
p.s.1 I apologize for the bed quality pictures, but my computer is being mended at the moment and I don't have Photoshop.
Odtis: Saturated Canary - Butterfly Princess in Vladkini napisi Misli
Markerji: barvice in copic markerji
Šablone: Marianne Design Craftables CR1201, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle
Papirji: BasicGrey Hello Luscious, BasicGrey Indie Bloom
Luknjači: Tonic Studios border punch
Dodatki: Rayher perlice, Stickles (Star dust)
Stamps Saturated Canary - Butterfly Princess and Vladka's thought's sentiments
Markers: colour pencils and Copic markers
Dies: Marianne Design Craftables CR1201, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle
Papers: BasicGrey Hello Luscious, BasicGrey Indie Bloom
Punches: Tonic Studios border punch
Accessories: Rayher pearls, Stickles (Star dust)
21 komentarjev:
Luštna, pomladanska.. kot po dežju, ko vse zelenje postane takih živahnih barv. Mi je pa tok všeč gledat tele slovenske napise ♥ ♥
Lepa je, monokromatsko zelena in lušno, da si dodala bleščice, ji dajo tako čarobnost, kot si jo opisala.
Fab card, and a gorgeous image. I remember that film and loved it when I was younger. I've not seen it for years. I must dig it out again!! David Bowie too right?
Beautiful card,love the image and fab
Beautiful card Mojca! Lovely coloring and I really like the sparkle.
WOW!! This is wonderful Mojca. I love the image, your colouring is fabulous and the papers are so beautiful.
Hugs Sue
Beautiful card great colours Ginny xx
Zelo lepa, sploh barve Mojca so top.
Lp Tamara
Res lepi, bogati zeleni odtenki.
Sploh so mi tvoje voščilnice zelo všeč.
Kako mična je tale gospodična...všeč mi je postavitev in rožiče in pentlja in bleščice na obleki... krasna je... :)
ooo kako je lepa v teh močnih zelenih odtenkih :-))
Zelo zelo všečna!
fullll lepa in prekrasno je vse kar pride iz pod tvojih rok :)
Just so gorgeous and such wonderful details too hun...:o)
biggest of hugs Vicky xx
WAW čudovita...full luštkan odtis <3
Krasna zelena barva in tale princeska je zelo simpatična.
Tudi sama imam rada pravljično in tale tvoja princeskina voščilnica je prav lepo delo.
Čudovita je. Zelo so mi všeč močni kontrasti in bleščice. Lp
Beautiful card. I love your color choices and the sparkles in the dress.
Hugs and smiles
Wow this is fabulous, thanks for joining us at SC this week x
Sweet card! Thank you for joining us at Saturated Canary ♥
I usually stay away from dark colours but this is really lovely Mojca x
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