torek, 22. januar 2013

Honey Bee

Tale lušta punčka je štampiljka od Whimsy stamps in se imenuje Honey Bee. Pobarvana je z distress markerji in barvanje se je res vleklo v neskončnost!!! Res nisem dovolj disciplinirana za barvanje z njimi :( Navodila za toke škatlico sem našla na Kristininem blogu in seveda sem jo morala takoj preizkusiti. Kaj ni simpatična z vsemi temi predalčki v katere lahko spravimo različne stvari, naprimer male čokoladice.

Oh I just love this cute stamp from Whimsy called Honey Bee. I colored her with Distress markers which too like forever!!!!! Oh I am just not so disciplined for coloring with distress ink :(  I saw this cute box on Kristine blog and I just had to try to make one of my one. Isn't it just gorgeous, and you can put a little candy in all the little drawers.

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala ker ste obiskali moj blog.

I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by.

I am entering this card in to challenges: 
 (prijavljam jo na izzive
 Sweet Stamping Challenge "Frilly" (dress) 
 7 Kids College Fund Challenge "Something New & Old" (I just bought this cute Whimsy stamp & I have this the BasicGray paper for ages so it's old)
 Whimsy Stamp Challenge "Fancy edges" (made with border punch)
Inky Chicks "Bingo" (die cuts / bow / pearls)


p.s. Še vedno sem brez svojega računalnika, zato se za kvaliteto slik opravičujem.
p.s. I am still without my computer so I am sorry for the bed quality of the pictures.


Odtis: Whimsy Stamps Honey Bee
Markerji: Distress markerji
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Scalloped Ovals
Papirji: Basic Gray What's Up
Luknjači: Tonic Studiosborder punch
Dodatki: Rayher perlice, Stickles (Star dust), trak, Rayher zleplejen perlice,  Rayher razcepki

Stamps:  Whimsy Stamps Honey Bee
Markers: Distress markers
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Scalloped Ovals
Papers: Basic Gray What's Up
Punches: Tonic Studios border punch
Accessories: Rayher pearls, Stickles (Star dust), ribbon, Rayher circle pearls, Rayher Brads

ponedeljek, 21. januar 2013

Saturated Canary Favourite Film

Saturated Canary blog ima nov izziv in sicer "Najljubši Film". Kot sem že enkrat omenila je eden izmed mojih ljubših filmov Labirint. Zgodba je pravljične narave in polna škratov in mističnih podob, glavna igralka Sarah (Jannifer Connelly) pa je v enem delu oblečena v prelepo obleko v kateri izgleda kot princeska, zato me spominja na odtis Saturated Canary - Butterfly Princess. Seveda pa sem izbrala ta film tudi, ker sem velika oboževalka Davida Bowieja, ki je sicer bolj slab igralec, a toliko boljši glasbenik. In takole izgleda moja voščilnica. Dodala sem ji še Vladkin napis. 

Saturated Canary has another great challenge and it's called "Favourite Film".I chose "Labyrinth" which was my old time favourite film and it's full of goblins and mystical creatures and at one point Sahra (Jannifer Connelly) is dressed in this beautiful princess-like dress and it really reminded me of Butterfly Princess image from Saturated Canary. Well I chose the film also because I am a great fan of David Bowie which is to be frank an awful actor, but an amazing singer ... and here is how the card turned out ... I also added a cute sentiment form Vladka (it says: Dare to live your dream.).

Upam, da se imate vredu in hvala za obisk.

Well I hope you are fine and thank you for visiting my blog today.


p.s Natali hvala za opombo glede napisa
p.s1 Se opravičujem za slabše slike, ampak sem brez računalnika in photoshopa.

p.s. Natali thank you for note about my watrmark.
p.s.1 I apologize for the bed quality pictures, but my computer is being mended at the moment and I don't have Photoshop.


Odtis: Saturated Canary - Butterfly Princess in Vladkini napisi Misli
Markerji: barvice in copic markerji
Šablone: Marianne Design Craftables CR1201, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle
Papirji: BasicGrey Hello Luscious, BasicGrey Indie Bloom
Luknjači: Tonic Studios border punch
Dodatki: Rayher perlice, Stickles (Star dust)

Stamps Saturated Canary - Butterfly Princess and Vladka's thought's sentiments 
Markers: colour pencils and Copic markers
Dies: Marianne Design Craftables CR1201, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle
Papers: BasicGrey Hello Luscious, BasicGrey Indie Bloom
Punches: Tonic Studios border punch
Accessories: Rayher pearls, Stickles (Star dust)

nedelja, 20. januar 2013

Here Comes The Boys #44 Bingo Challenge

Tokratni izziv Here Comes The Boys je bingo (sliko najdete na koncu objave). Ker so kombinacije zelo zanimive sem imela kar težko nalogo, za kaj se odločiti. Na koncu sem izbrala stolpec modro/šablone/vzorčasti papir. Uporabila sem luštnega medvedka, ki bo nekoga razveselil za njegov prvi rojstni dan.

The challenge over the Here Comes The Boys is bingo (see below). Because the combinations were all such tempting it was hard to decide which one to choose. At the end I decided on blue/die cuts/patterned papers column. Isn't the teddy bear just adorable? I hope he will make some little fellow happy on his first birthday (the sentiment says: "Happy Birthday!).


Pridružite se nam na tokratnem izzivu Here Comes The Boys. Hvala za današnji obisk in preživite lep nedeljski dan.

Do join us at Here Comes The Boys blog. Thank you for stopping by and have great Sunday.



Odtis: Cre8tive Hands - Number 1 Boy
Markerji: Bic markerji
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Circle Large
Papir: The Eco Stack, Basic Gray Hello Luscious
Dodatk: Glossy Accents, Rayer perlice

Odtis: Cre8tive Hands - Number 1 Boy
Markerji: Bic markerkers
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Circle Large
Papir: The Eco Stack, Basic Gray Hello Luscious
Dodatk: Glossy Accents, Rayer pearls  

torek, 15. januar 2013

Bildmålarna cutie

Dobila sem naročilo: roza, luškano in punčkasto za hčerko mamine sodelavke. Mislim, da je tale mala deklica od Bildmålarna prava za to priložnost. Seveda pa sem morala nujno preizkusiti tudi novo šablono Sizzix Flower 3D in sem že totalno zaljubljena vanjo. Poleg tega sem našla še tale super tutorial, kako dodati roži ekstra starinski videz. Prijavljam jo na izziva Stempeleinmaleins "Skica" ter Bildmålarna "Karkoli."

I was asked to create a cut and girly and pink card for daughter of my mothers work colleague. So I think this little cutie from Bildmålarna is cute and pink enough :))) I also had to try out my new Sizzix Flower 3D die and waaaaaw I am just nuts about it. I found this really cool tutorial for this flowers here and I just love this rusty vintage look, don't you? I am entering it to Stempeleinmaleins "Sketch" challenge and Bildmålarna "Anything goes" challenge.

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk.

Well I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by. 

Mojca ***


Odtis: Bildmålarna  
Papir: Magnolia Tilda
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Lacey Circles, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle, Sizzix Flower 3D 
Dodatki: Rayher perlice, Stickles (Star dust) 

Image: Bildmålarna
Papers: Magnolia Tilda  
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Lacey Circles, Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle,  Sizzix Flower 3D  
Accessories: Rayher pearls, Stickles (Star dust)

nedelja, 13. januar 2013

Ko me inspirira / Inspired by

Tina in Vladka sta za nas zopet pripravili nov izziv "Ko me inspirira...". Tokrat želita, da izdelamo kazala. In včeraj sem naletela na res super idejo na Maryjinem blogu. Seveda sem se zadeve takoj lotila in nastalo je tole ...

Tina and Vladka prepared a new challenge "Inspired by ..." and the theme is book marks. Yesterday I found this great tutorial for one on Mary's blog and I just had to try it out myself and here it is ...


 Upam, da ste preživeli lep vikend in hvala za obisk.

Hope you had a lovely weekend and thank you for the visit.



Papirji: BasicGrey Life of a party
Luknjači: Rayer robni luknjač
Šablone: Sizzix Framelits Hearts, Tim Holtz rosette die, Tim Holtz Inside out alphabet 
Dodatki: Rayher razcepki, Rayher perlice, Stickles (Star dust)

Papers: BasicGrey Life of a party 
Dies: Sizzix Framelits Hearts, Tim Holtz rosette die, Tim Holtz Inside out alphabet 
Punches: Rayer border punch 
Accessories: Rayher Brads, Rayher pearls, Stickles (Star dust)

četrtek, 10. januar 2013

Lili's Little Fairies & Craftalnica Challenges

Tokratni izziv na blogu  Lili's Little Fairies zahteva uporabo dveh papirjev ali uporabo kovinskega dodatka. sama sem se odločila za prvo varianto. Pri Craftalnici pa je tema enobarvno in ker je moja voščilnica čisto v modrih odtenkih mislim, da bi bila primerna tudi za ta izziv.

The challenge over the Lili's Little Fairies blog is use two backing papers or use a charm. So I decided for the first one. Craftalnica has a monochrome challange and I think my card in blue colour would also fit this challenge.

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk.

Well I hope you like it and thanks for stipping by.



Odtis: LOTV All Our Dreams
Markerji: Distress markerji 

Papirji: Motiv Karton “Candy” 
Luknjači: Rožica EFCO
Dodatki: trak, Rayher perlice

Markers: Distress markers 
Papers: Motiv Karton “Candy” 
Punches: flower EFCO, artemio scalloped circle 
Accessories: ribbon, Rayher pearls

torek, 8. januar 2013

Saturated Canary & Inky Chicks challenges

Saturated Canary ima zopet zelo zanimiv izziv. Tokrat se glasi "navdih pesmi". Res super izziv zame, saj sem velika oboževalka glasbe. Večina Kristinih punčk, ki jih imam, so zelo luštne in srčkane ... sama pa imam rada malce trše zvoke ... zato je bil tole zame res velik izziv. Amapk domislila sem se kar dobre kombinacije in sicer odtis, ki sem ga uporabila se imenuje "Thank You", isti naslov pa nosi pesem skupine Led Zeppelin. Seveda obožujem Led Zeppelin, kot tudi Kristine odtiske, zato se mi zdi tole kar dobra kombinacija :) Voščilnico pa prijavljam tudi na izziv Inky Chick's, kjer se je danes začel prvi blog izziv.

They have a very interesting challenge over the Saturated Canary blog this time. And it's called "Song Inspiration". Well it really couldn't be better, because I am a real music enthusiast :) Most of Krista’s images that I own are so lovely, sweet and cute ... and I love a little bit of hard and heavy music ... so it was quite a challenge I tell you ... but I came up with something ... The image that I used is called "Thank You", which is a also a title of Led Zeppelin song. I absolutely adore Led Zeppelin as I love Krista's images, so I think it's quite a good combination really, don't you :) I am also entering this card in to Inky Chicks challenge that has launched for the first time today. Go and check it out.

Led Zeppelin - Thank you 

Tale čestitka roma v Veliko Britanijo k soustvarjalki Woo. Hvala ti, res si enkratna.

Well this card is going to UK and it is thank you card for a DT friend Woo. Thanks’ a bunch, you’re the best!

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk.

I hope you like it and thank you for the visit. 



Odtis: Saturated Canary Thank You
Markerji: barvice, Bic in Copic markerji
Papirji: BasicGrey HelloLuscious
Luknjači: Rožica EFCO
Dodatki: Rayher srce, Stickles (Star dust), Perlen maker, Glossy Accents

Stamps: Saturated Canary Thank You

Markers: colour pencils, Bic and Copic markers

Papers: BasicGrey Hello Luscious

Punches: flower EFCO, artemio scalloped circle

Accessories: Rayher pearly heart, Stickles (Star dust), Perlen maker, Glossy Accents