Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It
Challenge in glasi "Praznične barve". Sama obožujem tradicionalne barve in motive in kaj je bolj tradicionalno kot rdečenosi jelenček in zeneno/rdeče barve :) So tako tople in me res popeljejo v prazničen božični čas.
And it's time for another As You Like It
Challenge. The theme is called "Xmas colours" and don't forget to tell us WHY. I love traditional coloursand motives and what's more traditional than red-nose reindeer and green/red colours. Tehy are so warm and really remind me of Christmas.
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke
designer tima.
I hope you'll
join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our
designer team by checking out their lovely projects.