Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It
Challenge in glasi "Nova ali stara zaloga" in seveda ne pozabite nam povedati ZAKAJ? Jaz sicer rada uoprabljam oboje, ampak seveda se je vedno najlepše poigrati z novimi štampiljkami. Tale je pri meni zelo sveža in z njo sem izdelala tablico za obletnico poroke.
And it's time for another As You Like It
Challenge. The theme is called "Old or New Stash" and don+t forget to tell us WHY? I actually like both, but who doesn't love playing with new stuff, right? This stamp is a brand new one in my collection and I made a lovely hanger for anniversary with it.
Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC .
In tema
tokratnega izziva se glasi "R is for Red, Ribbon & Reindeer" (rdeče, trakovi, jelenčki). Smešna kombinacija, a bližajo se božično/novoletni časi ... tako sem uporabila rdeč papir z jelenčki, dodala trak in čipko ter božično zvezdo. Upam, da vam je všeč.
It's time for
another ABC
Challenge. And our theme is called "R is for Red, Ribbon & Reindeer". I guess we should get our minds set on Christmas/New Year :) I used a background red paper with reindeers on it and decorated the card with lace and ribbon and poinsettia flower. Hope you like it.
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda
oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima. I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and
don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer
team. Hugs!
Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It
Challenge in glasi "Kupljene ali ročno izdelane/izrezane rožice" in seveda ne pozabite nam povedati ZAKAJ? Jaz najraje oblikujem rožice kar sama, saj mi to omogoča kombiniranje različnih barv, tekstur in velikosti. Tokrat sem izdelala rojstnodnevno voščilnico v pastelnih barvah, ki so trenutno moje najljubše. Všeč?
And it's time for another As You Like It
Challenge. The theme is called "Die cut or bought flowers" and don't forget to tell us WHY? I love making my one flowers, because you can choose lots of different colour combinations, textures and sizes. I did a birthday card in pastels which are also my favourite ones at the moment. Like?
Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC .
In tema
tokratnega izziva se glasi "Q is for Quick (enostavne voščilnice)". Rada imam ta tip voščilnic in z digi odtisom (My Baby Shower) našega sponzorja All Dressed Up sem izdelala voščilnici za rojstvo. Prav prikupni sta, se strinjate?
It's time for
another ABC
Challenge. And our theme is called "Q is for Quick (Clean & Simple)". I love CAS cards and I made this cute baby cards with a digi image called My Baby Shower from our sponsor All Dressed Up. They look so cute, don't they?
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda
oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima. I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and
don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer
team. Hugs!