Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It
Challenge in glasi "Najljubše velike ali male mašnje" in seveda nam morate povedati ZAKAJ? Jaz zelo rada uporabljam velike mašnje, saj poudarijo voščilnico. Najraje jih dajem na voščilnice za novorojenčke in tale je namenjena novopečeni punčki. Upam, da vam je všeč.
And it's time for another As You Like It
Challenge. The theme is called "Favourite Big or Little Bows" and don't forget to tell us WHY? I love to use big bows because they give a special touch to the cards. I especially like to use them on baby cards and this one is made for a special baby girl. Hope you like it.
Sponsor :
Sweet n Sassy Stamps
Sweet n Sassy Stamps
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke
designer tima.
I hope you'll
join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our
designer team by checking out their lovely projects.