ponedeljek, 27. april 2015

Home sweet home

Tale ploščica pa bo polepšala steno (ko bo sveže pepleskana) novega doma dveh mojih zeloooo dobrih prijateljev. Upam, da bosta srečna v svojem novem gnezdecu.

This hanger will brighten up the wall (when it's freshly painted) of a new home of two of my really good friends. I hope they will be happy in their new nest ;)

Želim vam lep preostanek praznikov in hvala za vaš obisk!

Wishing you a lovely day and thank you for stopping by.


četrtek, 23. april 2015

As You Like It Challenge Favourite Embossing (heat or dry)

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It Challenge in glasi "najljubše emboseranje (vroče ali suho)" Sama sem se odločila, da po dolgem času poskusim vroče embosiranje, saj mi je efekt resnično pri srcu. No, ja ... in na koncu sem ugotovila, zakaj ga ne uporabljam tako pogosto ... ker je res težko dobiti lep rezultat, ... vsaj pri meni je tako, sem se pa ekstra potrudila ;)
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called "Favourite Embossing (heat or dry)". I chose heat embossing, because I just love how it looks like on a card and also because I haven't used it for quite a long time. Well, I know now why I don't use it as much, because it's really difficult to get a good resolute ... well this goes for me, but I think I give it a shot ;)

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

sreda, 15. april 2015

ABC Challenge H is for Happy Birthday

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi "H is for Happy Birthday".  Uporabila sem digitalni odtis Di's Digi Designs Birthday Cake Balanc. Ker se zunaj resnično prebuje pomlad pa sem voščilnici dodala rožice in jo odela v pastelne barve.
It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called "H is for Happy Birthday". I used  a cute  digital image Di's Digi Designs called Birthday Cake Balance. In celebrating spring I added blooming flowers and make the card in pastel colours. Hope you like it. 
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.


torek, 14. april 2015

za 85 rojstni dan / for 85 birthday

Moške voščilnice so včasih pravi izziv, saj morajo biti čim bolj preproste. Tako sem se držala tega pravila in na voščilnici uporavbila tipične moške barve, starost in pa voščilo, čisto dovolj, kajne?

Sometimes the male card are quite hard to make, because you have to stick to plane look. So I did just that :) Simple colours, age number and a greeting is just enough, don't you think ;)

Hvala za obsik in preživiti lep dan!

Thank you for the visit and have a lovely day!


sobota, 11. april 2015

Metulj / butterfly

Pomald je v polnem razcvetu in upam, da se tudi vi že malce martinčakte kje na sončku. Metuljčki se že veselo lovijo po gozdu, tale pa bo odletel k prav posebni osebi in ji zaželel vse najboljše za rojstni dan.

Spring is in full bloom now and I hope that you are catching some sun rays outside. The butterflies are already happily chasing each other in the woods and  this particulate one will fly to a very special person and wish her a happy birthday.

Izzivi / Challenges:
Bunny zoes crafts - Spring colours
Ribbon girl - Pastel colours
Livevand love crafts - Signs of spring 

Lepo preživite sončno soboto in hvala za obisk.

Wishing you a lovely Saturday and thank you for visiting my blog today.


petek, 10. april 2015

Doktorska sovica / PhD owl

Doktorat je vsekakor posebna priložnost in s tole sovico so novopečeni doktorici sodelavci čestitali za čudovit dosežek in ji zaželeli srečno na njeni novi pot.

A PhD is definitely a special occasion and this little owl is dedicated to a new doctor as congratulations for a wonderful achievement and good luck on her new path  by her coworkers.

Izzivi/ challenges:
Crafty calendar challenge - add a sentiment (the pink sentiment says: "Congratulations!")
Crafty Cardmakers - wings
Deep ocean challenge - things with wings
Polkadoodles Challenge - pink and pretty
Creative fingers challenge - anything goes

Želim vam lep preostanek dneva in hvala, ker ste se ustavili na mojem blogu.

I wish you a lovely day and thank you for stopping by.


četrtek, 9. april 2015

As You Like It Challenge Fave alcohol markers or DI inks

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It Challenge in glasi "najljubši markerji alkoholni ali na vodni osnovi" in ne pozabite nam povedati ZAKAJ. Meni so najljubši aloholni Copic Markerji. Tako lepo se prelivajo med seboj in uporabljamo jih lahko na vseh možnih podlagah. Tile zmajčkste lizike so lahko krasno rojstnodnevno darilo, lahko pa bi bile tudi lična vabila za praznovanje rojstnega dneva naših malčkov.
And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called "Fave alcohol markers or DI inks" and don't forget to tell us WHY. I am in love with Copic Markers (alcohol)!!! they blend so beautifully and you can use them on all sorts of materials. This cute dragon lollipops make lovely birthday cards or they could also be birthday invitations for our little ones.

7 kids college fund - Anything Goes + a TWIST of Spring Colors
Copic Marker Europe cahllenge - Spring is in the air
Digi Choosday Challenge - dies
Stamp and create - anything goes

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects. 

torek, 7. april 2015

Torbica / purse

Zgleda kot navadna papirnata torbica, kajne? Pa ni, prav posebna je ... kajti deluje tudi kot okvir v katerega lahko vstavimo sliko slavljenca in mu naklonimo lepo posvetilo. Takole se vošči na prav unikaten način, kajne ;)

It looks like a normal paper purse doesn't it? Bit it's not, it is also a fram in wich you can put a photo and also you can write a little note. I think this is a really unique way to say happy birtday, dont' you?

Izzivi / Challenges:
Paper take weekly -anything goes
Glitter n sparkle challen - anything goes
Creative fingers challenge - anything goes
Crafty Catz - anything goes
Craft Mania - flowers
Creatalicious challenges - anything goes

Hvala za vaš obisk in želim vam, da preživite čudovit dan.

Thank you for stopping by today and wishing you a lovely day!


sreda, 1. april 2015

ABC Challenge G is for 'Go Digital'

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi G is for 'Go Digital'(na svojem izdelku morate uporabiti nekaj digitalnega - odtis, papir itd.).  Uporabila sem krasen digitalni odtis Aurora Wings in izdelala notesnik. Odtis je pobarvan s Copici in z barvicami & white spiritom. 
It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called G is for 'Go Digital' (Must use something digital in your creation such as digital image, paper, etc). I used a beautiful Aurora Wings image and made a notes. The sentiment says: "Whatever you dream about, you can make it happen." The image is coloured with Copic markers, pens and white spirit.

Sponsor: Aurora Wings 
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.
