četrtek, 23. oktober 2014

As You Like It Challenge Fave Style : Cute v Elegant

Že je čas za novi izziv As You Like It Challenge in glasi se Njaljubši stil: pocukrano ali elegantno in ZAKAJ.Oh, tole je pa težka izbira, saj rada delam oboje ... a vseeno se mi zdi da trenutno pri meni prevladujejo bolj pocukrane stvar in tale čebelica Tilda je ravno pravšnja za tale izziv, se vam ne zdi ;)

  And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Fave Style : Cute v Elegant and WHY. Oh, it's a tough desision right ... at least for me ... I love to do them both, but I think the cute style is just a little dominent at the moment ;P and this cute Tilda bee is just right for this challenge don't you think ;)

The sponsor of this challenge is Stamp and Create


Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects.

sreda, 15. oktober 2014

ABC Challenge V is for Vibrant

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi  V is for Vibrant (uporabite žive barve). Sama sem uporabila oranžno, rumeno in dodala živo rdeč trak. Kaj nosta tile dve mački takooooo simpatični?

It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called
V is for Vibrant (use strong, bright colours in your creations).I use orange and yellow and added a bright red ribbon. And aren't this two kitty's soooo cute?

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.


četrtek, 9. oktober 2014

As You Like It Challenge Fave Fibre (ribbon, lace, twine)

Že je čas za novi izziv As You Like It Challenge in glasi se Najljubši dodatek - trak, čipke ali vrvica in seveda ZAKAJ. Jaz obožujem trakove, sploh svilnate, ki se tako lepo svetijo. Na teli kuverti sem uporabila trak v barvi breskeve. Upam, da vam je všeč.
  And it's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Fave Fibre (ribbon, lace, twine) and WHY. Definitely ribbon especially the silk one. I love how beautifully it shines. I used a gorgeous peach one on this envelope. I hope you like it.

 The sponsor of this challenge is  Joanna Sheen  Who is offering a £10 voucher to her fabulous store

Upam, da se nam pridružite na izivu As You Like It Challenge. In seveda pokukajte na blog in si oglejte tudi ostale izdelke designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge and do give some credit to our designer team by checking out their lovely projects.

sreda, 8. oktober 2014

Mavelu.com Jesenska

Jesenski dnevi so res enkratni in na Mavelu.com vas ta mesec poskušamo navdušiti z našimi jesenskimi izdelki.

Tako sem se odločila za tole čisto klasično jesensko voščilnico. Ozadje sem zustvarila s pomočjo Memory Box šablonice - z blazinicami sem potapkala po papirju in jo nato odstranila. Venček sem izrezala v treh različnih barvah, jih zlepila skupaj in dodala perlice ter mašnjo. 

Mislim, da iz tele voščilnice res veje pravi jesenski vonj, kaj pravite?

Hvala za ogled in lepo se imejte do naslednjič!


sreda, 1. oktober 2014

Mavelu.com Jesenska razigranost

Že je nov izziv na Mavelu.com, ki se glasi jesenska razigranost in kaj je lepšega kot zeleno.vijolična kombinacija z metuljčki in rožicami.

Upam, da se mi boste pridružili s vojimi jesenskimi idejami na Mavelu. com.


ABC Challenge U is for Unique (Anything Goes)

Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na novem izzivu ABC . In tema tokratnega izziva se glasi  U is for Unique (Anything Goes). Odločila sem se za škatlico v božičnih barvah ... priročna za malo pozornost ob praznikih.

It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme is called
U is for Unique (Anything Goes). Easy right? So I decided to do a box in Christmas colours ... really great for giving away sweets as a little present. 

 Our sponsor is:
Stamp and Create
Upam, da se nam pridružite na izzivu ABC in seveda oglejte si še ostale krasne izdelke našega designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and don't forget to also have a peak at other beautiful creations from our designer team.
