četrtek, 27. februar 2014

As You Like It Challenge Fave item to create 3D texture & Why

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It. Tokratnja tema se glasi vaša najljubša 3D tekstura in seveda ne pozabite nam razložiti ZAKAJ ste se odločili prav za to. Rada uporabljam teksturne/embosing mapice in tale v obliki okgraje je trenutno ena izmed mojih najljubših, saj voščilnici da eleganten pridih, se vam ne zdi? Krasen 3D effekt pa vedno dodajo metuljčki, ki jih prilempim samo na osrednjem delu.

It's time for another As You Like It Challenge. The theme is called Fave item to create 3D texture and of course don't forget to tell us WHY. I just love using embossing folders and this fence petteren looking like is one of my favourite, because it looks so fancy and elegant doesn't it?  I also love to use butterflies on my cards to get some extra texture.

Naš sponzor je Freckled Fawn.
Our sponsor is Freckled Fawn.

Torej pograbite svoje ustvarjalne stvari in pokažite nam kateri so vaši najljubši predmeti s katerimi ustvarjate teksture. Seveda ne pozabite pokukati tudi k ostalim članicam designer tima in pridružite se nam na blogu As You Like It.

So get your crafty things on your table and show us your favourite texture items. Also check out the projects form other DT members and hope you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge blog.


sobota, 15. februar 2014

ABC Challenge F is for Flowers

In že je čas za novi izziv ABC. Tema pa je obarvana z rožicami, saj se glasi F is for Flowers. Torej tiste, ki imate rade rožice boste tokrat res prišle na svoj račun. Sama jih imam sicer rada, vendar mi večkrat ponagajajo pri postavitvi, zato sem poleg rož dodala še papir na katerem so rožice in uporabila Honey Bee Tildo ... čebelice grejo na rožice, kajne :)

And it's time for another ABC Challenge.  The theme is F is for Flowers. Well those of you how love flowers will get your chance to show off your fascination. To be frank, I really love flowers, but have lots of times problems sorting them out on my card. In addition to flowers I also used designer papers which have flowers on it and a lovely Honey Bee Tilda ... well bees also like flowers don't they :)

Naš sponzor je Stamp and Create.
Our sponsor is Stamp and Create.

Upam, da se nam boste pridružile na tokratnem izzivu ABC in oglejte si še ostale izdelke, ki so jih pripravile punce designer tima.

I hope you'll join us at ABC Challenge and of course don't forget to look at lovely projects that our DT prepared for your inspiration.


četrtek, 13. februar 2014

As You Like It Challenge Favourite Inspirational Object

In že je čas za novi izziv na blogu As You Like It. Tokrat smo vam pripravile prav posebno temo, ki se glasi vaš najljubši "predmet/stvar", ki vas navdihuje pri ustvarjanju. Jaz obožujem glasbo, brez nje si ne predstavljam življenja, zato sem na svojo voščilnico vključila deklico, ki uživa v poslušanju glasbe in kot dokaz slikala nekaj CDjev iz moje in fantove zbirke.  Seveda ne pozavite k svojemu izdelku pripeti še slike svojega najljubšega predmeta/stvari.. Le tako boste upravičeni do žreba za glavno nagrado.

It's time for another As You Like It Challenge. We have a really interesting theme for you this time, it's called Your Favourite Inspirational Object. Instead of explaining why it's your favourite like we usually ask, in order to qualify for the prize, please include a photo of your inspirational object so that we can see what's inspired you. I love music and can't image life without it, so my inspirational object were CD's from my and my boyfriends collection. I used an image of a girl that listens to music and also added a sentiment that says: "Laughter is the music of the heart. Listen to it every day." Don't forget this time, instead of explaining why it's your favourite like we usually ask, in order to qualify for the prize, please include a photo of your inspirational object so that we can see what's inspired you.

Sponzor izziva je My Mum's Craft Shop.
Our sponsor for the challenge is My Mum's Craft Shop.

Upam, da vas bo tema spodbudila k ustvarjanju in da se nam boste pridružili na izzivu As You Like It. Pa ne pozabite pokukati še k ostalim DT članicam za več inspiracije.

I hope the theme will encourage you to get creative and that you'll join us at As You Like It Challenge. And also don't forget to check out all the lovely projects from our DT team for more inspiration.


nedelja, 2. februar 2014

Lepa novica / Good news

Drage moje dame! Ker ste nekatere redne spremljevalke mojega bloga bom z vami delila lepo novico, ki se je začela 14 dni nazaj ... in mareč dobila sem službo! Sicer samo začasno, ampak bolje kot nič, kajne! Po dobrem letu in treh mesecih se mi je uresničila želja. Čaka me res hudo garanje, saj me konec leta čaka še strokovni izpit. Tako bo na žalost ustvarjanje zasedlo drugo ali celo tretje mesto ... seveda se bom trudila še naprej čim bolj ažurno obiskovati vaše bloge, saj je to res prava paša za mojo dušo. Kakšen dan ali dva pa mi bosta tudi kdaj ušla, upam da razumete.
 Takole pa sem se odločila, da bom začela varčevati, ko dobim prvo plačo :P
My dear ladies! Since some of you are my regular visitors I decided to share a really good news with you that came about 14 days ago ... I got a job! It's only a temporary one but hell, better than nothing, right! I was waiting a long year and three months for this wish to come true. I'll have to do some really hard work since there's a proficiency examination waiting for me at the end of this year. So my creative part will definitely have to take a second or a third place in my life unfortunately ... of course I'll try to make regular visits to your blogs as I did till now. I hope you won't be mad if my comments won't be so up to date, but I'll always check your past work too.
I made myself a little money saving box and can't wait to put some money in it when I get my first paycheck.

Že v naprej hvala za razumevanje in za vse lepe komentarje, ki jih puščate na mojem blogu.

Thank you for being so understanding and for all the lovely comments that you leave on my blog.


sobota, 1. februar 2014

ABC Challenge E is for Embellish

Čas res hitro beži in že je tu nov izziv ABC. In tema se tokrat glasi E is for Embellishment (uporabite 3 ali več dodatkov/okraskov). Uporabila sem Kenny K odtis Mae Western in jo odela v črno in rdečo barvo. Res je privlačna, kajne ... sem prepričana, da se noben moški ne bi branil takšnele voščilnice, kaj mislite? :))) Torej gre za criss cross voščilnico in okrasila sem jo z dvema mašnjama in perlicami, notranji kartic pa z Liquid Pearls naredila perlice na držalcu s katerim jo potegnemo ven in jo posula še z metuljčki.

Time really flies and it's time for another ABC Challenge. And its' called E is for Embellish (use 3 or more embellishments). I used Kenny K image called Mae Western in black&red combination, oh and she is really sexy isn't she :) I think every men would be really glad to receive this card, don't you? Well it's a criss cross card and I embellished it  with two red bows and pearls, used Liquid pearls on the handle where the note can be pulled out and also added some butterflies.

Our sponsors are: Sponsors: Kenny K and Bunny Zoe.
Naša sponzorja sta: Sponsors: Kenny K and Bunny Zoe.

 Upam, da vam je všeč moja rdeča voščilnica in da se nam boste pridružili pri tokratnem izzivu ABC. Seveda pa so še prej oglejte čudovite izdelke našega talentiranega designer tima.

Hope you like my red card and that you'll join us at ABC Cahllenge. Aslo have a look and live some love to our talented DT girls that prepared you some inspiration on the blog.
