Pozdravljene! Čas je za nov izziv na blogu As You Like It in tema se glasi vaša najljubši digitalni odtis in seveda ne pozabite razložiti ZAKAJ. Res je težko izbrati izmed vseh odtiskov, ki jih imamo v svoji zalogi, ampak jaz sem se odločila za tole prikupno sovico od Dustina Pikea. Pobarvaš jo lahko v različnih tonih in efekt je res enkraten, zato sem se odločila, da bo eno serijo mojih novoletnih voščilnic krasila kar tale sovica.
Hi friends! It's time for As You Like It Challenge again and the theme is called Your Favourite Digi Stamp & WHY. Well it's always
hard choosing between stamps! But at the moment my favourite digi stamp
is this Dustin Pike's Owl. It's just so cute and you can colour it in as
many colour tones you want. So I decided to use it for all my New
Year's cards this year (the sentiment says:"Happy New Year").
Naš sponzor je My Mum's Craft Shop.
The sponsor of this challenge is
My Mum's Craft Shop.
Upam, da se boste ustavili na As You Like It blogu in si ogledali še ostale izdelke, ki so jih za vas pripravile punce ustvarjalnega tima. Pa seveda ... pridružite se nam!
I hope you'll pop over the As You Like It blog and check out all the lovely creations from other DT girls and of course do join us!