Ne bo veliko ugibanja, da je tale voščilnica za slavljenca, ki je velik oboževalec nogometnega kluba A.C. Milan, kajne :) No, če pa ravno ne spremljate nogometa, sedaj vestste, da so njihove barve rdečo-črne :P
This card was made for a big fan of football club A.C. Milan, it's not hard to guess that right :) Well if you are not a regular follower of football, now you know :P their colours are read and black.
Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it in to following challenges:
Crafty Catz - happy birthday (The santiment is in italilan : Marco, happy birthday)
Simon Wednesday Challenge - Anything goes
Make it Monday - Anything goes
Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za današnji obisk.
I hope you like it and thank you for visiting my blog today.