ponedeljek, 30. september 2013

For a football fan

Ne bo veliko ugibanja, da je tale voščilnica za slavljenca, ki je velik oboževalec nogometnega kluba A.C. Milan, kajne :) No, če pa ravno ne spremljate nogometa, sedaj vestste, da so njihove barve rdečo-črne :P

This card was made for a big fan of football club A.C. Milan, it's not hard to guess that right :) Well if you are not a regular follower of football, now you know :P their colours are read and black.

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it in to following challenges:
Crafty Catz - happy birthday (The santiment is in italilan : Marco, happy birthday)
Simon Wednesday Challenge - Anything goes
Make it Monday - Anything goes

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za današnji obisk. 

I hope you like it and thank you for visiting my blog today.


nedelja, 22. september 2013

Here Comes The Boys Challenge - Baby Boy Cards

Na blogu Here Comes The Boys je čas za nov izziv. Glasi pa se "Voščilnice za dojenčke" (fantke). Tale lušten nagajivček je digitalni odtis od Lori Designs in se imenuje BabyCarter&Toys. Kar nekaj Lorinih odtisov sem nedlgo nazaj dobila kot bnbonček pri Aniti, ki je res enkratna ustvarjalka - Anita hvala! Skombinirala sem ga z Vladkinim napisom iz seta za Rojstvo.

It's time for another challenge at Here Comes The Boys. The theme is called Baby Boy cards. This cute little guy is a digi from Lori Designs and it's called Baby Carter&Toys. I got him and few of Lori's digis as a candy from Anita who is a really unique artist - Anita thank you! The sentiment I added is from Vladka's Birth stamp set.

Upam, da vam je všeč in ne pozabite pokukati na blog za še več inspiraije s strani našega DT tima ter se nam pridružite na tokratnem izzivu Here Comes The Boys.

I hope you like it and that you'll also check the lovely cards that our DT team prepared for you and of course join us at the challenge at Here Comes The Boys.


četrtek, 19. september 2013

As You Like It Favourite sentimetn and WHY

Pozdravljene! Že je čas za nov izziv As You Like It in sicer se glasi tvoj najljubši napis. Ne pozabite, da morate razložiti ZAKAJ je le-ta vaš najljubši in vas naprošamo da razlago zapišete poleg linka/povezave do našega bloga. Sama sem uporabila moj najljubši napis iz Vladkinega seta Misli. Mislim, da sam napis pove vse, kaj mislite?

Hi guys! It's time for another challenge at As You Like It blog and it's called your favourite sentiment. And don't forget that you MUST explain WHY it is your favourite in order to qualify for the prize. To ensure we see this when we visit your blog, please write your reason(s) next to your link to our challenge. Form my card I used my favourite sentimet from Vladka's thoughts sentiment set "Dare to live your dream." I think it says it all, don't you?

Naš sponzor je Happy Hippo
ki zmagovalcu podarja nagrado v vrednosti £10.

Our fabulous sponsor this week is Happy Hippo
who are offering a £10 prize to our lucky winner.

Pokukajte na blog in si oglejšte še ostale voščilnice, ki so jih za vas pripravile ostale DT članice ter se nam pridružite na izzivu As You Like It.

And don't forget to look at other beautiful creations that the DT team prepared for you and join us at As You Like It Challenge.


nedelja, 15. september 2013

ABC Challenge V for Very Cute

Pozdravljene! Zopet je čas za nov izziv na ABC blogu. In tokratna tema se glasi "V for Very Cute". In seveda sem vam pripravila nekaj zelooooooo luškanega - tale dva kužka sem dobila kot bonbonček pri Mini -Pinkpuds (hvala ti!).  Kaj nista prisrčna? Ponavadi vedno naredim voščilnico, tokrat pa sem se odločila za dve moji ploščici. Upam, da sta vam všeč.

Hi guys! It's time for another ABC Challenge. And our theme for the fortnight is "V for Very Cute". And oh I got this two veeeeery cute doggies as a candy form Mina - Pinkpuds (thank you hun!!!). Aren't they just adorable? I always do a card, but I decided on doing two of my hangers for a change. Hope you like it.

Naš sponzor je Stamp and Create.

Our sponsor is Stamp and Create.

Hvala za obisk in ne pozabite pokukati še k ostalim DT članicam ter pridružite se nam na tokratnem izzivu ABC.

Thank you for the visit and don't forget to check out all the other beautiful creations from the DT team and join us at ABC Challenge.


sreda, 11. september 2013


Torej na svoji facebook strani  Soul Sanctuary Cards sem vam pripravila majhen bombonček (malce drugačen kot ga ponavadi darujem na blogu) - zato sem se tudi odločila, da bo ostal samo na facebooku, torej če imate profil pohitite in se pofočkajte.

I just wonted you to know that there is a little GIVEAWAY that I am doing at my facebook page - Soul Sanctuary Cards. But it is a facebook only challenge, so if you have a facebook head on to my facebook page to have a peak.


nedelja, 8. september 2013

Here Comes The Boys - Blue Christmas in September

Že je čas za nov izziv Here Comes The Boys. Tema se glasi "Modri božič". Seveda bo božič res hitro pri nas, zato smo vas želeli le spodbuditi, da se nanj čim prej pripravite :))) Sama sem naredila origami voščilnico in ker je res enostavna za sestavit, jih bom letos naredila še kar nekaj verjetno.

So it's time again for Here Comes The Boys challenge and the theme is "Blue Christmas". Well Christmas well be just around the corner so we just want you to get ready for it early this year :)))) I did this cool origami card and I think I will make a lot of them this year, because they are so easy to make. 

Upam, da boste obiskali naš blog za še več inspiracije in sodelovali na tokratnem izzivu Here Comes The Boys.

Hope you'll visit our bog for more inspiration and that you'll join us at Blue Christmas challenge at Here Comes The Boys.


četrtek, 5. september 2013

As You Like It Challenge - Favourite Flowers or Trees and Why

Dobrodošli na še enem izzivu As You Like It. Naša tokratna tema je "Najljubše rože ali drevesa" in ne pozabite nam razložiti ZAKAJ so ravno ta vaša najljubša. Jaz obožujem rože Wild Orchid Crafts ker so preprosto tako lepe in dajo voščilnici prav poseben pridih. Tokrat sme se odločila za poročno voščilnico in vir moje inspiracije je bila prav posebna gospodična in sicer
Randi from Randi's Lille blog. Pokukajte k njej, ne bo vam žal.

Welcome to another As You Like It Challenge. Our theme is Favourite "Flowers or Trees" and don't forget to tell us WHY this are your favourite ones. I love Wild Orchid Crafts flowers they are simply beautiful and make cards really special. I made a wedding card and the source if my inspiration were cards from a spacial lady Randi from Randi's Lille blog. Go and check her gorgeous creations.

Naš sponzor je Stamp & Create, ki zmagovalcu ponuja vavčer 
v vrednosti $20.

Our sponsor for the fortnight is Stamp & Create
who are offering a fab $20 voucher to our lucky winner.

Pokukajte še na naš blog in se naužijte inspiracije še od ostalih DT članic ter se nam pridružite na tokratnem izzivu As You Like It.

Hop on our blog to have some of lovely inspiration from the DT team and join us at As You Like It Challenge.


torek, 3. september 2013

Some hangers

Torej na ogled postavljam dve novi ploščici. Ena je za malo deklico, ki ji je trenutno najbolj všeč roza barva (dohhhhh :)))) in druga pa je bila narejena za rojstni dan mojega brata.

I made two hangers recently. One is for a little girl who reallllly likes pink colour (dohhhhh :))) (the sentiment says: Lina's fairy) and the other one was made for my brothers birthday.

Vreme se je ohladilo, a zunaj je prav prijetno toplo, saj sije sonček. Upam, da se imate fino in še ta informacija- jutri sem zopet na Pogačarjevem trgu v Ljubljani, kjer se bo odvijal FairArt sejem. Lepo vabljeni!

Well the weather cooled down, but the sun is still shining and its really quite nice and warm outside. I hope you are having a lovely time and if anyone is interested you can visit me tomorrow at Pogačarjev trg in Ljubljana where there will be another art market. Welcome! (well I know that you can't come if you are an international follower, but just the thought is nice, isn't it :P )


nedelja, 1. september 2013

ABC Challenge U for Unlimited

Že je čas za nov izziv na blogu ABC, ki se glasi  U for Unlimited (torej neomejeno - karkoli). Čisto preposto, kajne :) Sama sem se odločila za izdelavo malega notesnika na katerega sem postavila simpatično Tildo v zeleno-roza-rumeni kombinaciji. Notesnik ima v notranjosti celo držalce za svinčnik narejeno iz traku - zelooooo praktično :) Tukaj sem našla tutorial.

Hi guys! It's time for another ABC challenge which is called U for Unlimited (anything goes). Easy peasy, right :) So I decided for a cute notepad project with a lovely Tilda on it in a green-pink-yellow combination. It even has a little cute ribbon handle for your pen in it, so practical right :) I found the tutorial here

Naš sponzor je Tildas Town.
Our sponsor for the challenge is Tildas Town.

Upam, da vam je všeč in da boste pokukali na blog ABC ter se naužili inspiracije še od ostalih DT članic. Pridružite se nam!

Hope you like it and that you'll head out for more inspiration at ABC challenge and check out all the lovely creations from our DT members. Join us!
