petek, 31. maj 2013

Crafty Catz Challenge - Storybooks/ Nursery

Pozdravljene na še enem izzivu Crafty Catz! Tokratni izzv se glasi "Storybooks/Nursery". Sama sem se odločila za dojenčkasto voščilnico in uporabila digi odtis Boo Bath od Bugaboo, ki je tudi tokratni sponzor izziva. Kot nagrado ponujajo 7 digi odtisov po zmagovalčevi izbiri.

Welcome to another Crafty Catz challenge! And this weeks theme is "Storybooks/Nursery". I decided for a baby card and used the cute image Boo Bath form Bugaboo since they are our sponsor of the challenge. They are offering 7 digital images of winners choice. (p.s. the sentiment says: "Sleep tight little baby.")

 Prize: 7 digital images of winners choice

Ker je to moj zadnji izziv kot GDT bi se rada zahvalila Susan in vsem ostalim v timu, da so me tako lepo sprejele in da sem lahko delila svoje ustvarjanje z njimi in vami na Crafty Catz blogu.

Since it is my last post as GDT I would like to say thanks to Susan and the team for letting me share may work and feeling like at home at Crafty Catz blog.


Image: Boogaboo Boo Bath & Vladka's birth sentimenst
Markers: Copic markers
Paper: MotivKarton “Candy”
Accessories: white ribbon, Stickles (Star dust), Rayher pearly heart, Rayher pearls

četrtek, 30. maj 2013

As You Like It - Favourite Rubber Stamp & why

Pozdravljene! Danes končno lahko delim z vami, da sem bila izbrana kot DT na blogu As You Like It! Samantha & Annette, hvala ker ste me tako lepo sprejele v svoj tim. In naš tokratni izziv se glasi "Tvoja najljubša štampiljka". Seveda nam morate tudi razložiti ZAKAJ je vaša najljubša. To je bil kar trd oreh, saj se je bilo tako težko odločiti ... ampak saj me malce že poznate in seveda sem se odločila za Tildo in sicer tole je Dancing with stars Tilda, saj je zares tako simpatična!!! Nastala je še ena shaker voščilnica v mojih ljubih rdečih tonih.

Hi guys! Finally I can say it out loud ... I was chosen to be a DT member for As You Like it challenge blog! Yes and oh I would so like to thank Samantha and Annette to have me on the team. And now for our challenge and it's "Your Favourite Rubber Stamp". And of course you have to tell us WHY you chose the particular stamp. Well you know me ... I just love Tilda stamps, so I chose Dancing with stars Tilda. Why? Well she is just so cute!!! But the decision was really hard. I made another shaker card in my prefered red tones. 

Our sponsor is Happy Hippo who are offering a £10 prize to our lucky winner.

Če potrebujete malce inspiracije, si oglejte še ostale izdelke, ki so jih pripravile ostale članice DT tima in se nam pridružite na tokratnem izzivu As You Like It.

If you need some inspiration go and check out the lovely work from other DT members and join us at As You Like it challenge blog.


Image: Dancing with stars Tilda
Markers: Copic markers & colour pencils
Paper: BasicGrey Life of a party & MotivKarton “Nature”
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Ovals
Punches: Tonic Studios  border punch
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Inspiration Fancy Brads, red beads

sobota, 25. maj 2013

Book Card Edwin

Tokrat sem se odločila za izdelavo voščilnice v obliki knjige. Vanjo lahko položimo nekaj za sladke privržence in pa seveda ne sme manjkati še žepek za dinarčke. Nisem je preveč okrasila, saj naj bi bila namenjena fantku.

I decided to make a book card, since I really didn't make one in a while and it is so fun to do it. And it is such a perfect gift, you can put in some sweet candy and I added a little pocket where some money could go or am little tag or something. I tried to keep it simple since the book card is meant for a boy.

Prijavljam jo na naslednje izzive / I am entering this card in to following challenges:
Inky Chicks - Brown&Blue
Simply Magnolia - Edwin only
Make it Monday - anything goes
Deep Ocean Challenge - Ribbon or lace (I used ribbon)
7 kid's challenge - embellishment (ribbon & twine & button)

Res je prav mraz tule pri nas tako da res upam, da se vreme v kratkem spremeni na bolje. Želim vam prijeten vikend.

Hope you are having a better weather than we have! It's really cold and rainy ... brrrr! Well enjoy your weekend. 



Image: Starboy Edwin
Markers: Copic markers & colour pencils
Paper: MotivKarton “Candy”
Accessories: Fool*a*La Bag-O-Buttons, twine, Rayer blue ribbon

petek, 24. maj 2013

Crafty Catz Challenge - Fancy Folds

Pozdravljene na novem izzvu Crafty Catz. Tokrat od vas pričakujemo voščilnice, ki se nekoliko drugače odpirajo (mislim, da je to najboljši prevod fancy folds izziva, lahko pa me katera seveda popravi). Jaz sem se odločila za t.i. "Z vočilnico". Skupaj jo drži narejeno držalo iz papirja in ko se sname se voščilnica na obe strani odpre. Tutorial najdete na Splitcoaststampers strani.

Hello and welcome to another Crafty Catz challenge. This time we want to see "fancy folds". I decided for a Z card. I created a wrapper which holds the card together and when you slide it off the card opens. The tutorial can be found at Splitcoaststampers. The sentiment says:"Laughter is the music for the heart. Play it every day."

Naš tokratni sponzor je ALOTA Rubber Stamps in zmagovalcu podarja cerftifikat za $15 v njihovi spletni trgovini.

Our lovely sponsor is ALOTA Rubber Stamps and the winner will be able to spent $15 gift certificate in their on-line store.

Pokukajte na Crafty Catz blog in si oglejte kaj so vam za inspiracijo pripravile še druge članice DT in seveda, pridružite na tokratnem izzivu.

Go and check out the lovely inspiration from other DT and join us at Crafty Catz challenge.



Image: Papermania Urban Stamps Butterflies & Vladka's thoughts sentiments
Markers: Bic markers
Paper: from my stash
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Ovals
Embossing folder: Provo Craft spots and dots
Accessories: Rayher pearls

nedelja, 19. maj 2013

Here Comes The Boys #52 Must have buttons

Dobrodošli na novem izzivu Here Comes The Boys! Če imate radi gumbke potem je to vsekakor tema, ki je pisana na vašo kožo - na voščilnici morate namreč uporabiti gumbe. Odločila sem se za Edwina z veliko narciso ter voščilnici dodala 3 gumbke. Upam, da vam je všeč, saj gumbov sama ne uporabljam prav pogosto.

Welcome to another challenge at Here Comes The Boys. If you love buttons this will be the right theme for you - must have buttons. I decided to use Edwin with big Daffodil image and add to the card 3 lovely buttons. I hope you like it since I really don't know how to add buttons to my cards, they just don't seem to work for me. 

Naš tokratni sponzor je Bugaboo. 

And our lovely sponsor is Bugaboo.

Poiščite svoje gumbke in ustvarite z njimi kaj lepega ter se nam pridružite na tokratnem izzvu Here Comes The Boys. Hvala za ogled in preživite lep nedeljski dan. 

Get your buttons out and join us for another challenge at Here Comes The Boys. Thank you for looking today and have a lovely Sunday.


Image: Edwin with big Daffodil
Markers: Copic markers
Paper: BasicGrey Serenade & Kaisercraf Sweet Nothings
Punches: corner punch
Accessories: Rayher green ribbon, Fool*a*La Bag-O-Buttons