nedelja, 31. marec 2013

Saturated Canary Marry Me

Vreme se še vedno drži kislo, ampak vremenoslovci so obljubili, da bo jutri končno nehalo deževati, jupi! Moja današnja čestitka je v pastelnih barvah in za motiv sem izbrala odtis Saturated Canary Marry Me. Tudi notrajnost je v kontekstu in sicer sem uporabila krasno Vladkino štampiljko iz poročnega seta.

The weather outside is still horrible, but the weatherman promised that the rain will finally stop tomorrow, yeeeeeey! For today’s card I choose pastel colours and a lovely Saturated Canary image called Marry Me. For the inside I used a cute sentiment from Vladka's wedding stamp set (it's a verse from the Bible: »Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.« (Song of Songs)).

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering the card in to following challenges:
Saturated Canary - pretty pastels
Sweet Stamping - Oh so girly

Lepo preživite ostanek praznikov in hvala za obisk.

Enjoy the rest of the Easter long weekend and thank you for the visit.


Image: Saturated Canary Marry Me & Vladka's wedding sentiments
Markers: Copic markers & colour pencils
Paper: BasicGrey Serenade, The Eco Stack
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Ovals, Marianne Design Crearables CR1201, Memory Box Lavish Branch
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Perlen maker, Artemio Pearls, Rayher Brads

petek, 29. marec 2013

Tilda with daisy

Zunaj je mokro in hladno, jaz pa sem z mislimi še vedno pri pomladi. Tudi tale Tilda me močno spominja na poladne dni. Dodala sem ji rožice in krasen napis iz serije Flourishes Inside Out Hello, ki sem ga embosirala z metalnim embosig prahom.

The weather outside is still wet and cold, but my thoughts are still coloured with spring as this cute Tilda is. I added some flowers and a gorgeous sentiment from Flourishes set Inside Out Hello which I embossed with a metal embossing powder.

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it in to following challenges:
Simon Says - Anything goes
Magnolia Licious - Spring blossom
Craftalnica - vintage

Ker so pred nami velikonočni prazniki vam želim lepo praznovanje ter ne najejte se preveč pirhov in potice :)))

Have a lovely Easter weekend and don't eat too much of Easter eggs and sweets :)))


Image: Tilda with Daisy and sentiment from Flourishes Inside & Out Hello
Markers: Copic markers & colour pencils
Paper: BasicGrey Lucille, BasicGrey Oxford
Dies: Marianne Design Crearables LR0240, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses, Memory Box Lavish Branch
Punches: Martha Stewart Frond punch
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Perlen maker, Artemio Pearls, Artemio embossing powder Copper

torek, 26. marec 2013

Tilda with love cake

Zunaj še kar sneži in o pomaldi ni ne duha ne sluha ... No jaz sem se včeraj malce poigrala s tole simpatično Tildo, jo skombinirala s krasnimi Prima in BasicGrey papirčki in zvila nekaj rožic za dodatek.

There is still snowing and snowing outside and there's no sign that spring will be visiting us soon ... Well I was playing with this cute Tilda yesterday and some lovely Prima and BasicGrey papers, added some handmade flowers and voilà ...

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I'm entering it to following challenges:
Crafty Catz - sparkle with a bow
Sweet stamping - lot's of layers
Simply Magnolia - hats off

Upam, da ste na toplem in hvala za današnji obisk.

I hope you are keeping warm and thank you for visiting my blog today.



Odtis: Tilda with love cake
Markerji: Copic markerji & Bic markerji, barvice
Papir: BasicGrey Lucille, Prima Life Time
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle, Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Ovals, Sizzix Flower 3D
Luknjači: Martha Stewart Frond punch
Dodatki: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher perlice, Rayher trak

Image: Tilda with love cake
Markers: Copic markers & Bic markers, colour pencils
Paper: BasicGrey Lucille, Prima Life Time
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Circle, Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals, Spellbinders Nestabilities Scalloped Ovals, Sizzix Flower 3D
Punches: Martha Stewart Frond punch
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher pearls, Rayer ribbon

nedelja, 24. marec 2013

Easter display

Že lep čas premišljujem kaj podariti bližnjim za velikonočne praznike in Stempeleinmaleins je ravno prav objavil tutorial za simpatičn polkrožno "škatlico v katero lahko položite velikonočna čokoladna jajčka, seveda lahko pa tudi pirhe. Takole sem se zadeve lotila jaz ...

I was trying to do something different for my Easter presents this year and Stempeleinmaleins tutorial came just in the nick of time. This cute Easter display was just the thing I was looking for! You can fill it up with chocolate eggs or even put real Easter egg in it. Here is my version ... 

Prijavlajm ga na naslednje izzive / I am entering it in to following challenges:
ABC challenge - anithing goes (DT call)
Magnolia Down Under - Easter greetings
Midweek Magnolia - lot's of roses
Tilda's Town - Think Spring
Simon Says - Easter/Spring

Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk ter lepe komentarje.

I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments.



Odtis: Tilda decorates easter in Flourishes Easter Wishes napis
Markerji: Copic markerji & Bic markerji
Papir: The Eco Stack
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Eyelet Circles
Luknjači: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly, Martha Stewart Frond
Dodatki: Stickles (Star dust), Artemio perlice, Lacara rože

Image: Tilda decorates easter in Flourishes Easter Wishes sentiment
Markers: Copic markers & Bic markers
Paper: The Eco Stack
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Eyelet Circles
Punches: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly,
Martha Stewart  Frond punch
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Artemio Pearls, Lacara flowers

četrtek, 21. marec 2013

Saturated Canary What the Librarian Reads

Torej na blogu Saturated Canary imajo prav poseben izziv in sicer "knjižna kazala". Ker sem sama kar 5 let delala v knjižnici in v izdelavi knjižnih kazal zelo uživam je tale izziv res obudil lepe spomine. Na StampTv-ju sem že dolgo nazaj zasledila tole idejo, ki sem jo uporabila za sestavo te voščilnice in končno sem jo lahko tudi preizkusila. Knjižno kazalo na voščilnico drži magnet (en je prilepljen na osnovo pod zelenim papirjem in enden na hrbtno stran kazala. Tako lahko, ko se naveličamo voščilnice, knjižno kazalo vzamemo iz nje in ga še naprej uporabljamo. Praktično, kajne? Seveda pa sem naši knjiničarki dodala še malce Glossy Accents, da očala res zgledajo kot steklena.

The challenge at Saturated Canary is "bookmarks" and what more appropriate theme for me as this one! Oh boy, I worked in the library for past 5 years and this challenge brought some lovely memories. I saw this kind of card on StampTV a really long time ago and was happy to finally try it out myself. I put a magnet under the dark green paper on my base card and one on the back of the bookmark so the bookmark can be removed form the card when you are finished with it. What a claver and practical idea, don't you think? Oh and I put some Glossy Accents to the librarians glasses so they look like glass.

Prijavljam jo/ I am entering it in to following challenges:
Ribbon Girl - green&white

Upam, da se imate fino in hvala za obisk.

I hope you are having a lovely time and thank you for the visit.



Odtis: Saturated Canary What the Librarian Reads
Markerji: Copic markerji, Bic markerji, barvice
Papir: BasicGrey Indie Bloom
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Ten, Tim Holtz Inside out alphabet
Luknjači: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly
Blazinice: Distress Ink Peeled Paint
Dodatki: Rayher perlice, Glossy Accents, Perlen maker, Papermania magneti

Image: Saturated Canary What the Librarian Reads
Markers: Copic markers, Bic markers, colour pencils
Paper: BasicGrey Indie Bloom
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Ten, Tim Holtz Inside out alphabet
Punches: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly
Ink: Distress Ink Peeled Paint
Accessories: Rayher pearls, Glossy Accents, Perlen maker, Papermania Magnets

nedelja, 17. marec 2013

Tilda With Chicken and Egg

*Here Comes The Boys objava se nahaja spodaj! / Scroll down for Here Comes The Boys post*

Že moja druga objava za danes … tale Tilda z velikonočnim jajčkom in piščančkom se mi je zdela tako simpatična, da se ji nisem mogla upreti. Odela sem jo v pomladanske oranžno-rumene barve in ker zadnje čase uživam v easel voščilnicah sem se tudi tokrat odločila za takšno obliko.

My second post for today … this cute Tilda with Chicken and Egg is absolutely hard to resist. I decided to go with an easel card and choose orange and yellow colour combination.

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it to following challenges:
Simply Magnolia - Easter and Egg 
Magnolia Licious - All About Easter
Marvelous Magnolia - tilda in a Dress
7 Kids - Glitter (the butterfly, roses and eggs in the bag are glittered with Stickles)
Sweet Stamping - Easter
Tilda's Town - Anithing goes

Vreme zunaj je res turobno, zato se opravičujem za slabšo sliko, ampak svetloba je danes res obupna. Toliko slabše za mojo motivacijo ob učenju za ponoven izpit (ZUP –zakon o upravnem postopku) … ker seveda o mojo službi ni ne duha ne sluha (bolje da vam ne povem koliko prošenj sem v zadnje pol leta že poslala!) mi seveda ne preostane nič drugega kot izobraževanje. Na predavanju je neka gospa lepo rekla: «Pa se bomo zopet učili.« Sama pa sem ji odgovorila: »Nekateri pa se ne moremo nehat učit.« Tako pač je za nas mlade v tem gnilem kapitalističnem sistemu …. 

The weather outside is really dreadful, so I apologies for a bad photo, but there is really bed lighting for taking pictures. Well that goes double for my motivation to study again for a really difficult exam of Law on Administrative Procedure (is that the right translation?!). Since there is no job on the horizon (I rather not tell you how many applications I sent in last six months) there’s nothing else left to me to do than take part in education again! So when we had a course on Friday one older lady said: »I guess we’ll have to study again.” and I replayed: »And some of us just can’t stop learning.” Well that's just the way it is for us young people in this rotten capitalist system I guess ….

Upam da vas nisem preveč zamorila ;) Imejte se imate lepo in hvala za obisk!

I hope I didn't depress you too much ;) Have a lovely day and thank you for visiting my blog today!


Odtis: Tilda With Chicken and Egg in Flourishes Easter Wishes (napis)
Markerji: Copic markerji in Bic markerji
Papir: Motiv Karton “Candy”
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Eight, Marianne Design Crearables LR0226, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses
Luknjači: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly
Dodatki: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher perlice, trak, Rayher srce

Image: Tilda With Chicken and Egg and Flourishes Easter Wishes sentiment
Markers: Copic markers and Bic markers
Paper: Motiv Karton “Candy”
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Eight, Marianne Design Crearables LR0226, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses
Punches: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher pearls, ribbon, Rayher pearly heart

Here Comes The Boys #48 Picture Inspiration

Zopet je čas za nov izziv pri Here Comes The Boys in sicer tokrat smo izbrali za inspiracijo slike. Sama sem bila bolj naklonjena morskim motivom, zato je nastala tale majhna barčica. Občudovala sem jih že na Vladkinem blogu in zato sem se lotila nečesa podobnega in nastalo je tole ...

It's time for another challenge at Here Comes The Boys blog and this time the theme is "picture inspiration. I found see motives more appealing so I decided to create a card with a little sailing boat on it. I was admiring them on Vladka's blog for some time and finally decided to go for it and here's what it came out....

Picture inspiration

Upam, da vam je všeč in da se nam boste pridružili na tokratnem izzivu Here Comes The Boys.

I hope you like it and that you'll join us at Here Comes The Boys


četrtek, 14. marec 2013

Tilda with Love Potion

Uau iz zelo pomladanskega vremena zopet v sneg .... Narava je res čudna reč ni kaj! No moja voščilnica je danes rojstnodnevno obarvana. Tilda with Love Potion je pobarvana s Copici in barvicami in tokrat sem ji dodala še kup ročno narejenih rožic. Pri Midweek Magnolia praznujejo prvi rojstni dan in pri Magnolia Down under četrtega, zato je v prvi vsti tale voščilnica namenjena zanje. Midweek Magnolia podarjajo tudi zelo slasten bonbonček zato jih le obiščite.

Waw I can't believe that ti's snowing again!!!!! We had such lovely spring weather already and now this. Well I hope it won't last. I decided to use this cute Tilda with Love Potion stamp and colour her with Copic and colour pencils and added some handmade roses. Well at Midweek's Magnolia they are celebrating their 1th and also at Magnolia Down Under their 4th birthday so this card is in first place dedicated to them. Midweek Magnolia is also having a lovely yummy candy so go and check them out and give them some love.

Skica /Sketch

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it in to following challenges:
Midweek Magnolia - Happy Birthday
Simon Says - sketch 2
Magnolia Downunder - Happy Birthday
Craftalnica - Na zdravje (Cheers!)

Upam, da ste na toplem in hvala za današnji obisk ter vse lepe komentarje.

I hope you are keeping warm and thank you for visiting my blog today and all the lovely comments. 



Odtis: Tilda with Love Potion in Artemio Floral Butterfly
Markerji: Copic markerji in barvice
Papir: BasicGrey Indie Bloom in Prima Life Time
Šablone: Sizzix Flower 3D, Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Scalloped Circles Large, Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals
Luknjači: Martha Stewart Frond punch
Blazinice: Distress Ink Dusty Concord
Dodatki: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher perlice

Image: Tilda with Love Potion and Artemio Floral Butterfly
Markers: Copic markers and colour pencils
Paper: BasicGrey Indie Bloom and Prima Life Time
Dies: Sizzix Flower 3D, Spellbinders Nestabilities Classic Scalloped Circles Large, Spellbinders Nestabilities Ovals
Punches: Martha Stewart Frond punch
Ink: Distress Ink Dusty Concord
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher pearls

ponedeljek, 11. marec 2013

Sneezing Tilda

Cel vikend je deževalo danes pa sije sonce in prebuja se pomlad. Mene je zaneslo v ornažno-modre vode in tale Tilda se mi je zdela prav prisrčna ter pomladanska.

Well it was raining the whole weekend here and today we are spoiled with a lot of sunshine finally. My card for today is in blue and orange tones and this little Tilda is just so springy like, don't you think?

Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it in to following challenges:
Midweek Magnolias – lot's of layers
Marvelous Magnolia – anything goes

Hvala za obisk in imejte se lepo!

Thank you for visiting my blog today and take care!



Odtis: Sneezing Tilda
Markerji: Copic markerji in Bic markerji
Papir: BoBunny Hello Sunchine collection, BasicGrey HelloLuscious
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Eight
Dodatki: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher razcepki, Artemio rožica, trak

Image: Sneezing Tilda
Markers: Copic markers and Bic markers
Paper: BoBunny Hello Sunchine collection, BasicGrey HelloLuscious
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Eight
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher Brads, Artemio Flowers, ribbon

sobota, 9. marec 2013

Libster award

Torej tudi sama sem bila deležna nagrade Libster kar dvakrat od Keti in Škgre, ...najlepša hvala... tako jo tudi sama posedujem naprej:

And here is a little about what the award is all about:

This award was designed to be a blog award in the "pay it forward" fashion. Once you've been nominated, you award it to five blogs that you like that have fewer than 200 followers, to encourage new visitors to visit these blogs.

The rules for accepting this award are:

You need to thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this awesome award!

Next you need to PAY IT FORWARD!

Imejte se lepo!


ponedeljek, 4. marec 2013

Lili's Little Fairies Peach & cream challenge

Zunaj že lepo pojejo ptički in sije sonce ... mmmm ... mislim, da mi je z dosedanjimi voščilnicami res uspelo priklicati pomlad, kaj pravite ;) No in tudi tokratna bo poladansko obarvana. Tile trije medvedki so odtisi LOTV "Posy tiro", pobarvani so z barvicami in Bic marjerji. Kaj niso simpatični? Prijavljam jo na izziv Lili's Little Fairies "breskev & krem barva".

Well I think finally the spring is on it’s way … the birds are singing and the sun is shining … what more can you ask :) ... mmmm ... I think that my past few cards have really helped evoke the spring, do not you think ;) Well, and this one isn’t any different I think. These three bears are LOTV Posy trio” and thy are colored with colored pencils and Bic markers. Aren’t they cute? At Lili's Little Fairies blog they have a peach & cream colour challenge so with my peachy background and cream ribbon I thnik I stand a pretty good chance, don't I :P

Hvala za današnji obisk in za lepe komentarje. Res mi je toplo pri srcu, ko jih berem.

Thank you for visiting my blog today and for all the lovely comments. They really warm my hear.
