*Here Comes The Boys objava se nahaja spodaj! / Scroll down for Here Comes The Boys post*Že moja druga objava za danes … tale Tilda z velikonočnim jajčkom in piščančkom se mi je zdela tako simpatična, da se ji nisem mogla upreti. Odela sem jo v pomladanske oranžno-rumene barve in ker zadnje čase uživam v easel voščilnicah sem se tudi tokrat odločila za takšno obliko.
My second post for today … this cute Tilda with Chicken and Egg is absolutely hard to resist. I decided to go with an easel card and choose orange and yellow colour combination.
Prijavljam jo na izzive / I am entering it to following challenges:
7 Kids - Glitter (the butterfly, roses and eggs in the bag are glittered with Stickles)
Vreme zunaj je res turobno, zato se opravičujem za slabšo sliko, ampak svetloba je danes res obupna. Toliko slabše za mojo motivacijo ob učenju za ponoven izpit (ZUP –zakon o upravnem postopku) … ker seveda o mojo službi ni ne duha ne sluha (bolje da vam ne povem koliko prošenj sem v zadnje pol leta že poslala!) mi seveda ne preostane nič drugega kot izobraževanje. Na predavanju je neka gospa lepo rekla: «Pa se bomo zopet učili.« Sama pa sem ji odgovorila: »Nekateri pa se ne moremo nehat učit.« Tako pač je za nas mlade v tem gnilem kapitalističnem sistemu ….
The weather outside is really dreadful, so I apologies for a bad photo, but there is really bed lighting for taking pictures. Well that goes double for my motivation to study again for a really difficult exam of Law on Administrative Procedure (is that the right translation?!). Since there is no job on the horizon (I rather not tell you how many applications I sent in last six months) there’s nothing else left to me to do than take part in education again! So when we had a course on Friday one older lady said: »I guess we’ll have to study again.” and I replayed: »And some of us just can’t stop learning.” Well that's just the way it is for us young people in this rotten capitalist system I guess ….Upam da vas nisem preveč zamorila ;) Imejte se imate lepo in hvala za obisk!
I hope I didn't depress you too much ;) Have a lovely day and thank you for visiting my blog today!*Mojca*
Odtis: Tilda With Chicken and Egg in
Flourishes Easter Wishes (napis)Markerji: Copic markerji in Bic markerji
Papir: Motiv Karton “Candy”
Šablone: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Eight,
Marianne Design Crearables LR0226, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses
Martha Stewart Monarch butterflyDodatki:
Stickles (Star dust),
Rayher perlice, trak,
Rayher srce
Image: Tilda With Chicken and Egg and Flourishes Easter Wishes sentiment
Markers: Copic markers and Bic markers
Paper: Motiv Karton “Candy”
Dies: Spellbinders Nestabilities Label Eight, Marianne Design Crearables LR0226, Marianne Design Craftables Chinese Roses
Punches: Martha Stewart Monarch butterfly
Accessories: Stickles (Star dust), Rayher pearls, ribbon, Rayher pearly heart