Torej končno vam lahko pokažem moj mali projekt za malo Tinkaro. Njena botra si je zaželela mojo tablico ter poleg tega še 30 angelčkov, ki jih bo lahko podarila vsem udeležnecem, da jim bo ta poseben dogodek lahko ostal v spominu. Vse angelčke sem ročno popisala in ja, bilo je kar naporno, ampak sem s končnim izdelkom nadvse zadovoljna (žal mi je da jih nisem poslikala vseh, ampak je moj šotorček za slikanje premajhen :). Seveda nisem mogla iz svoje kože in naročnici dodala še no čestitko z angelčkom.
Well I can finally show you the project I was working on for some time now. I got an order for a christening - one of my hangers and 30 angels which will be given to all family members. All angels are hand printed ... yes, it was quite a challenge but I must admit that it was worth it in the end. I just regret that I didn't take a picture of all of them, but there were just to many for my light box :) I also made a card with an angel witch I added to the order.
Izzivi / Challenges:
Hvala za obisk in lepe komentarje, ki mi res veliko pomenijo.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for all the lovely comments that mean so much to me.