nedelja, 30. september 2012

HCTB Challege #37 - Monochrome

Čas je za nov izziv na Here Comes The Boys blogu. Tokratni izziv se glasi »enobarvno« (monochrome). Odločila sem se za črno-belo kombinacijo in si za motiv izbrala Saturated Canary motiv fantka, ki sem ga pobarvala z barvicami. Prvo ozadje je narejeno z Swiss dosts reljefno mapico, drugo pa sem poštempljala z Artemio štampiljko pisave. Na koncu sem dodala še napis in majhno mašnjico.

It's time for a new Here Comes The Boys challenge. This time the theme is called »monochrome«. I made a black & white card with a Saturated Canary image which I coloured with colour pencils. The first background is embossed with Swiss dots embossing folder and the second one is stamped with Artemio font stamp. At the end I added a sentiment which says: »Happy birthday« and a little bow. 


Upam, da vam je všeč in pridružite se nam na Here Comes The Boys blogu.

I hope you like it and join us at Here Comes The Boys blog.


petek, 28. september 2012

Bela s kančkom barve / White with a hint of Colour

Tokratni izziv pri Lili's Little Fairies se glasi "bela s kančkom barve". Odločila sem se za belo - bledo rumenkasto kombinacijo ter poročno voščilnico. Pri barvanju motiva mi je malce ponagajal papir, saj očitno ne prenese večjih količin vode, saj sem barvala z Distress markerji. Dodala sem še lep trak in mašnjo na ktero sem prilepila Rayherjev srček. Spodnji rob pa je narejen z izrezom Nellie's multi frame's. Rožicam v punčkini glavi pa sem dodala še malce Sticklesov (Star dust) in seveda krasen napis je narejen s štampiljkami od Vladke.

The challenge over the Lili's Little Fairies blog is "white with a hint of color." I decided on white - pale yellowish combination and  a wedding card. Well I colored the image with my Distress markers, but I think the paper just wasn’t absorbent enough. Then I added a beautiful ribbon and a bow on which I glued Rayher pearly heart. The lower edge is made with Nellie's multi frame's die. At the end I added some Stickles (Star Dust) to the flowers on girls head and finally the gorgeous sentiment which is made with stamps from Vladka.


Upam, da vam je všeč in hvala za obisk.

I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by.


torek, 18. september 2012

Bingo Lil's Little Fairies

Izziv pri  Lili's Little Fairies je bingo. Izbrala sem si diagonalno vrstico perlice-kovinski okraski-trak. Uporabila sem štampiljko LOTV-All Our Dreams, ki sem jo kupila s pomočjo LOTV vavčerja (hvala Anne!!!). Pobarvala sem tole luštno deklico z Distress markerji, dodala nekaj traju in mašnjo, rožice s perlicami ter kovinski okrasek v obliki rožice. Papirčki so iz seta Motiv Karton "Candy".

The challenge over theLili's Little Fairies is called "Embellishment Bingo". I chose the diagonal row pearls-gems-ribbon. I used a LOTV stamp called All Our Dreams which I bought with a voucher from the LOTV candy (Anne thank you!!!). So I colored this little sweetie with Distress markers, added some ribbon and a bow, some flowers with pearls and a gem. The papers are from Motiv Karton "Candy". The sentiment says: »It’s a girl!" 

Končno se je "zalivanj" moje diplome končalo in upam, da se bom lahko končno tudi malo odpočila. Mislim,da si po enem letu trpljenja to vseeno zaslužim :)))) Škoda, ker bo tole počivanje trajalo samo do petka, ko se moram udeležiti uvodnega seminarja na zavodu za zaposlovanje ... sicer sem že prej 5 let delala preden sem bila prisiljena dokončati faks, tako da se tegale res ne veselim, ampak na žalost ni druge poti.

The partying (diploma!) has finally stopped so I hope I can get some rest now ... well I think I deserve it since I worked on this project for a year :)))) But unfortunately I have time to rest just till Friday when I have to attend a seminar for newcomers at the employment service ... well I worked for 5 years till I was forced to finish my education so I am really not looking forward to this, but that’s no other option. 

Upam, da vam je moja voščilnica všeč in hvala za obisk.

I hope you like my card and thank you for visiting my blog.  


nedelja, 16. september 2012

HCTB Challange #36 - Recipe

Čas res beži in na sporedu je že nov izziv na HCTB blogu. In res imam krasno novico ... Wendy me je povabila v ustvarjalno ekipo!!!! In seveda sem takoj reka JA! Torej, tokratni izziv je recept: 3 papirčki, 2 razcepka/gumba in 1 motiv. Malce sem se igrala z reljefnimi mapicami in se mi je zdelo zabavno da uporabim 3 različne brvne papirje in jih embosiram z dvema reljefnima mapicama. Dodala sem še dva zelena razcepka in pa LOTV motiv Big Present. Tegale luštnega fantka pa sem pobarvala z Bic Markerji (ja barvanje ni ravno najboljše, lasje mi niso uspeli ravno tako kot sem pričakovala :))

The time really flays and it's time for another HCTB challenge. And I've got news for you ... Wendy asked me to join the DT!!!!! Of course I said YES! So the challenge theme is Recipe: 3 papers, 2 brads/buttons & 1 image. I was playing with my embossing folders a bit so I thought it would be fun to combine 3 different colour papers embossed with two different embossing folders. I added 2 green brads and a LOTV image Big Present. I coloured this little fellow with Bic markers (don't look, his hair aren't what I thought it will come out :)) 

Hvala za ogled in pridružite se nam v tokratnem izzivu na HCTB blogu.

Thank you for stopping by and do join us at HCTB challenge blog. 


sobota, 15. september 2012

Saturated Canary challenge "B's"

Tokratni izziv na blogu Saturated Canary se glasi B-ji (uporabiti je potrbeno vsaj dve stvari, ki se začneta s črko B). Odločila sem se da tokrat izdelam nekaj drugačnega in kot nalašč sem na Stempeleinmaleins blog našla krasen tutorial za izdelavo notesnika. Torej moji B-ji so: book, bow, butterfly. Punčka, ki sem jo uporabila nosi ime Jules in je pobarvana s Copic in Bic markerji. Uporabila sem Eco Stack papir in papir iz svoje zaloge, za okras sem naštancala nekaj rožic in metuljčka ter dodala rozetko.

The challenge at Saturated Canary challenge blog is "B's" (Use at least two things that start with "b"). I thought to do something a little different this time and I have found a great tutorial for a note book at Stempeleinmaleins blog. So my B's are: book, bow (girl is wearing a big bow in her hair), butterfly. The image is called Jules and she is coloured with Copics and Bic markers. I used Eco Stack paper and some paper from my stash, added a little rosette, punched some flowers and a butterfly for the decoration. 

Noooo ... verjetno se sprašujete, zakaj se zadnje čase nič ne oglašam .... imam namreč eno zelo dobro novico ....... končno sem DIPLOMIRALA!!!!!!!!! Jupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...... Veliko breme se je odvalilo iz mojega srca in res bi se ob tej priložnosti zahvalila vsem za spodbudne komentarje, ki ste mi jih puščali na mojem blogu. Rada pa bi se zahvalila tudi mojemu dragemu Danielu, da me je prenašal in vztrajal z mano do konca, bratu Andreju ki je bil z mano v dobrem in v slabem ter mojim staršem, ki sta mi omogočila študij. Res sem srečna.

Well.... you must be wondering why you haven't heard from me for some time now ... well ... I have some great news ... I have finally got my diploma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... Well a big burden has dropped of my shoulders and really I want to thank all of you for the kind words that you left me on this blog. Also I want to thank my dearest Daniel to put up with me and encouraged me till the end, also a big thanks to my brother Andrej who really stand by me in better and in worst and finally a big thanks to my parents who enabled my study. I am really happy. 

Hvala za današnji obisk in preživite lep sobotni večer.

Thank you for looking today and have a great Saturday evening.
